Chapter 5- Questions

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Ki-ki's P.O.V.

OMG, Liam just told Desirae that he likes her! I feel so happy for them, you wouldn't even understand. We squealed a bit more and then stopped so we could walk. "I'm gonna tell Liam i want to walk with you guys, so brb" Desirae said. She walked over to Liam and whispered something to him. He nodded and kissed her cheek. She faked fainted, but Liam didn't know she was faking and started panicing. "Oh no, what have i done!?" he said on the verge of tears. Desirae quickly got up from her position on the floor and hugged Liam. He relaxed and hugged her back. She said, "Liam, i was just faking. Calm down, yeah?" and he smiled. She walked over to us and said, "Let's do this!" and we ran to the O2 arena entrance. Stephen jogged after us and slid his access card on a side door. We went through and was shocked to see the stage. It was so huge and things were already set for the One Direction concert. "Wow! It's amazayn, briliam, phenomniall, fabulouis and extraoridnharry all in one!" Desirae said in amazment. Stephen cleared his throat and we snapped our heads to look at him. "This way, girls" he said in a Texan accent. We chuckled and Desirae said with a texan accent "Don't mind if i do darlin'. Don't mind if i do". Her's more believeable because we are from America. We walked down a few stairs and made a left turn to an elevator. Stephen pushed a button 'FLR' which i'm guessing meant floor level. We got in and since it was medium sized, us girls had some moving room. Louis ended up standing in front of Desirae. Desirae started dancing weirldly behind Louis who was oblivious to the whole situation. Everyone was trying to keep from laughing as Desirae was shaking her bum, but then she accidently bumped into Louis's bum. She quickly turned around and blushed. "It's okay. I know it was an accident" Louis said with a smile. She nodded and bit her lip to keep from laughing, but she couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst out laughing and gasping for breath. Everyone was laughing at her, with her and at a confused Louis. He shrugged it off and Jarely said to him, "We danced all  night to the best song ever and Desirae just twerked on your butt". He got wide eyes and giggled while blushing. Desirae's laughter was dying down after we got off the elevator, but there were still some burst of giggles here and there.

Jarely's P.O.V.

Louis was still blushing for two minutes and when it faded. Desirae gasped as Liam picked her up and placed her on the stage. Niall did the same to Alexis. They giggled and blushed, then i felt myself being picked up by Louis and gasped. Me and Desirae stood up and waited for Nellie and Ki-ki to join us. Desirae grabbed all of us and pulled us in a group far away from the boys. "Let's give the guys a concert" Desirae said slyly. We nodded and walked to the edge of the stage. "We require Stephen's assistance" we said in unison. Stephen looked a little frightened, but climbed on stage. I dragged him to a spot and started Plan 'Concertforboyband'. "I need 5 microphones and the instrumental to 'Dark Horse' by Katy Perry featuring Juicy J" i whispered. He nodded and went backstage. I walked over to the girls and nodded. They smiled and Lexi said, "Take a seat fellas and enjoy the front row life for once instead of being on stage". They looked confused but sat anyway. Stephen came back with the microphones and handed it to us. He ran backstage and the instrumental came on. Desirae sand the first voice and we did back vocals. When the chrous came on she through her snapback at Liam and winked. Her hair fell on her shoulders and she started jamming when the beat dropped. We joined in, then Alexis sang the second verse and we sang back vocals. We belted out the chorus then the beat dropped. Me and Ki-ki started rapping and then Nellie joined on the part where we sped up. Desirae sang the overhead vocals and we finished the song. The guys stood up and started cheering and clapping. Stephen ran out and gave us high-fives. Then he took the microphones and ran backstage to put them back. We bowed and said 'Thank You'. "And we are-" Desirae said and grabbed Lexi's hand and Nellie's "the Girl Direction!". They laughed and said 'whoop!' and we bowed again. "I'm Lely" "I'm Ki-ki" "I'm Lex" "I'm Nellie" "And i'm-" Desirae froze when she realized her One Direction girl name was, in fact, Lianna. Tears immediatly fell down her face, but she forced a smile and said "I'm Lianna". Cam and J.B looked down solemnly while the boys looked confused. Desirae wiped her face, even though the tears kept flowing, and looked down. "Who's Lianna? Why does she make you cry?" Liam asked concerned. Desirae's tears started a puddle on the floor and she sobbed. Liam quickly climbed the stage and hugged her. She collasped in his arms and began to sob loudly in his shirt. They stood like that for a few minutes until her sobs got quieter. She started mumbling something in his shirt. "What ya say?" Laim asked and Desirae backed up and started chanting, "August 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m". Liam looked confused and asked, "Is that her birthday or som-" "Lianna Skylar Morris. Born August 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m weighing 10 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches. Daughter of Ian Morris and me" Desirae said cutting Liam off. Liam was shocked and said, "D-daughter". Desirae looked at him and nodded with a smile.

Desirae's P.O.V.

I guess i was ready to tell them about Lianna. I carry her jacket everywhere, but i left it at the hotel today. "I want to be comfortable, so let's go to our hotel room" i said and everyone nodded. Stephen took us to the elevators and we got on. Everyone was on their phones, so i made a group chat with the girls.

Nellie- N    Jarely- J     Ki-ki- K     Lexi- L    Me- D

D- do you thnk he hates me?

N- No! I think he is just shocked :/

J- Yeah me too. He really likes you

L- Yup! It's obvious

K- Head over heels ; )

D- Lol :)

L- He's just curious. WE still love you no matter!

The elevator doors opened and we got off. The silence was a little weird, so i started singing 'The Way' by Ariana Grande featuring Mav Miller and the girls joined in. We made it to the entrance of the O2 and walked out. Stephen waved 'bye' and i said "No byes. See ya later is better" and he smiled. "See ya later guys!" he said and ran to his car. Everyone got into their assigned cars and i plugged in my phone. The song 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri started to play and i sighed shakily. "You want to switch?" Alexis asked and i nodded sadly feeling the tears coming. Me and Liam took Lexi and Niall's place in the back and i began to cry. This was the song that was playing in the gift shop before i left Lianna. I'm an awful parent. I couldv'e grabbed her, but i was scared for myself. I cried harder and sobbed loudly. Liam pulled me into his chest and i cried even louder. I started to calm myself down when my phone started to ring 'Alive'. "Hello?" i said in my best happy voice. "Desirae, i know you were crying. It's okay, it's alr-" "NO!" I shouted and it startled Liam, so i sat up and looked out the window. "I left her, Jare! I left her because i couldn't think. She could be in my arms, but she isn't! Why couldn't i th-" "It was an accident Desirae, and you know it!" she shouted and it startled me. "Stop blaming everything on yourself! Yeah, you forgot her, but you were scared. You had every right to be scared. It was an accident, okay?" she said and i said, "It was an accident." She sighed, "You got to be strong, and keep on holding on." I laughed a little due to the fact she was quoting 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus. She laughed, "Alright we're almost there okay? But i'm serious; Be strong" and then she hung up.

Whale hello there people *creepy voice*....WOW!!!! Intense convo... This is a little depressing, but don't worry! Happiness shall be coming. Stay posted, vote and comment. Bay-Bye!


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