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"Cha Eunwoo?..." I mumbled.

The door opened but there was no one, I got off the bed and went out to look.

"BOOOOO!" a man said.

I screamed for my life as I saw someone that was not Eunwoo, he was dressed in a black with a white mask on his face.

I fell to the ground and started to tear up due to the sudden surprise, the man took of his mask and said "Ya! It was a prank..."

"Prank my ass!" I spat.

"I will kill you Cha Eunwoo!" I yelled as I started to chase him.

He took notice of what I was going to do and made a head start. 

I ran around the house chasing him while screaming "YA CHA EUNWOOOOOO!"

I panted as I took a short break, I was not that fit because I was a potato. Although many people think I'm slim by exercising, it's not true, I just have genes that prevent me from getting fat.

I finally saw the black hooded guy and crept slowly towards. I lept onto him and tackled him down. Because of that we both fell down, however at last minute - somehow - he flipped me over. Our faces were just inches apart and I felt so hot, I closed my eyes just in case he did that to me. He smirked and gave out a small chuckle.

"Ha, you thought I was going to kiss you." he said.

"No I wasn't..." I stuttered.

"Then what..." he grinned.

I looked away and tried to push him off, but he was still stronger than me. 

As he gave up from waiting for an answer, he got off me, the front door opened with someone yelling "Omo sesange, what were you two doing?!"

[Rushing+Short Chapter intended]

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