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[Clarification: Next chapter may be the last chapter or second last idk. But anyways thank you for 200 reads, I really appreciate how people read my cliche ass stories :)]

  "Omo sesange ahdskjghsdkfojqwoaijdoiajo!" my mum yelled, with the faint voice of Jimin's.

"Eomma~ Let me sleep more~" I groaned while hugging what I thought was actually a pillow but actually Eunwoo.

"Hehehehe let me take a picture and send this to Mrs Lee." my mum chuckled along with Jimin -who was snorting.

"Wow Lee Eunbi, I never knew you and Dongminnie would ever sleep together!" my mother giggled.

"I thought you two hated each other but I guess not, you two love each other!" Jimin teased.

I shot open my eyes and realised where I was and who I was hugging. I immediately fall off the bed, waking him up. 

Groaning, Eunwoo rubs his eyes and his jaws immediately drop to the ground seeing the situation he is in right now. 

"Ahh.... Annyeonghaseyo eomonim.." he chuckled awkwardly. 

"Mum I thought you were in Australia!" I yelled as I rubbed my head.

"Well honey, to be very honest. We never went, we just wanted you two to bond more closely." my mother grinned.

I looked at her almost wanting to just joadjoijgoidfjgoisjfiosdjo scream. 

"Well anyways Jimin and I will leave so you two can enjoy your Valentine's Day."  my mum said, emphasizing on  Valentine's.

As the two left, I eyed Eunwoo and gave him a death glare. "Did you know about this!" I snapped.

He nodded while giving an awkwardly forced grin.

"Idiot!" I spat.

"I have to be one though... so you can understand me." he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and headed out the room.

Just as I was about to leave the room, Eunwoo said "Wanna go out on a date today?" 

I look back at him, almost wanting to kill him. I was about to answer when Eunwoo gave me a smirk and said "You know you can't resist me~"

I sighed in defeat and chuckled mentally.

30 minutes later...

I got ready and headed out downstairs. I already see Eunwoo grinning like an idiot and I roll my eyes at him.

"Ready to go beautiful?" he teases - he knows almost everything about me and he knows he hates these names.

"Beautiful my ass, let's go!" I snapped.

We arrived at a mall and decided to watch a movie. As we went to buy the tickets, many of the people around us were whispering about us. I wondered what it was and I realised;he was holding my hand. I could hear all the workers and students whispering "OMFthey'resocutetogetherandthey'rebothsogoodlookingdijojiogdjdfoigjsd" "Ughthatunnieissolucky~"

I tried not to show that I was embarrassed but  Eunwoo didn't help. He ruffled my hair and leaned closer to me, causing my heart to beat faster than it already did. He placed his lips on my forehead and I immediately flushed red. 

*camera click* I heard a camera click but I could not find the person that took it. I focused back on Eunwoo and glared at him.

"Ya!" I hissed as I smacked his chest. He chuckled before going to the counter.

"What would you two like to watch?" she said.

"Fabricated City." he hummed and turned to look at me. I was flustered at how he could even remember my favourite actor, Ji Chang Wook.

He gave me a wink before we headed off to the theatre while I, again, rolled my eyes at him.

After the movie

I walked out of the theatre almost about to die from the feels and I could see Eunwoo chuckling.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. I giggled and continued to stroll around the mall.

 Swinging our arms together, he whispered something to me "Eunbi ah, will you be my girlfriend?..." 

[Longer chapters intended now as the book is almost ending]

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