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"Eunbi ah, will you be my girlfriend?..." he asked with a sweet smile.

I nodded and hid my face in embarrassment. 

After 16 years, knowing each other and fighting, we were finally a couple.  

Couple , the word still lingers through my head as I gaze into Eunwoo's eyes. His eyes were still the same, they were soft and delicate, the same when we were children.

'Has he liked me this long?...' I thought as I started to chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?" he questioned.

"You." I sternly said.

"What about me?" he shot open his eyes.


"Everything?" he asked.

I shut him off by placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Pulling away, I grinned.

"What was that for?" he asked dumbfounded.

"To shut you up you idiot." I scoffed.

Walking out the mall, I smiled at how far we came. From being friends to frenemies to being a couple.

Getting into the car, I glance over at him and said "I am glad you were my babysitter."

He smirked, "Of course, every girl would die for your position." 

I rolled my eyes as he started to drive back to our house.

Arriving home, we were greeted by five people, Mrs Lee & Mr Lee, my mum and dad and lastly, Park Jimin.

"Welcome home lovebirds! How was your date?" my mum wriggled her eyebrows.

"Stop~" I whined.

"It was nice." I giggled before seeing Jimin pouting.

"*sighs* My best friend is going to leave me, CHA EUNWOO, YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF HER!" she glared at him. 

Eunwoo scoffed at her and said "I've known her since we were in diapers."

Jimin rolled her eyes before seeing that Eunwoo gave a small peck on my lips.

"Ya! Get a room you two!" she whined.

"Yeah!" my mum protested while winking.

Mrs Lee and Mr Lee didn't say anything much but I could tell they were really happy. They've shipped us since middle school when Eunwoo started to 'bully' me.

My dad gave a smile before heading out the door, leaving the rest of us altogether.

Soon Jimin left before shooting a wink at us, "Wait why is everyone starting to leave?" I questioned.

"Because all five of us are going out to have a dinner." my mum smiled - a sly one.

"So you're leaving me with him?!" I shouted.

"You need a babysitter." she snorted.

"No I don't, I'm 17 I can take care of myself." I scoffed.

Eunwoo gave a smirk before all of our parents left.

I plopped myself onto the couch while he followed around.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, hugging me tightly against him.

"Eunwoo ah..." I said.

"Hmm yeah." he hummed as he picked up the remote.

"Thank you for being the best babysitter." I coughed while cringing.

He gave a little smirk before kissing my forehead. "and remember, only I am your babysitter..."

-The End-

[I guess last chapter? Thank you guys for supporting this book. I hope you did not think that this book would be like those cliche, he is the babysitter and the girl falls in love with him and shit. 

Anyways for new fanfic, would you guys like.

Brother; Chae Hyungwon -the only thing I'll tell you about is that this is not those incest shit.
Fated; Jeon Jungkook - a time traveler
Interpreter; Wen Junhui - a sad romance fanfic. Sorry for not giving out full detail, I am just very paranoid someone might still my ideas- completely- and then getting famous/credits for it. Like if I explain it completely, someone might just take it. I don't mind if they take parts but like what if they take the whole things hfoshfoisjoi gotta tao ]

Babysitter;Cha EunwooWhere stories live. Discover now