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[Sorry for not updating, I thought wattpad wasn't working because it didn't let me add a chapter but then I realised that I had too many tags]

"I think I like you..." I stuttered while sighing.

I started to blush afterwards and look out the window.

I expected him to laugh and make fun of me but I heard nothing.

Did he not hear what I said...

I pouted in sadness and closed my eyes due to the awkward silence.

As I reopened my eyes, we had already arrived at my house. Eunwoo pulled over the car and looked at me. 

"I am saying this only once so listen carefully." he said.

Say what?...

"I like you too..." he muttered.

"Wha- But I thought you had a girlfriend...." I sighed.

"That's my cousin you idiot!" he snorted.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I opened the car door. 

Eunwoo followed and grabbed me on the wrist. 

"Wait, I need to tie your shoe." he huffed

"Can I tie your shoe? Because I can't have you fall for anyone else." he winked.

"Ew you sick idiot, when did you get so cheesy?" I cringed.

"I always had a cheesy side, I only saved it for you." he smirked. 

"God, get inside!" I snapped.

As we got inside, I plopped myself on my bed. 

When I started to almost close my eyes, I remembered that I forgot to remove my makeup.

"Aish!" I yelled as I jumped off the bed.

I went to the bathroom and removed my makeup thoroughly. The wipes were filled with tons of makeup. "I think this would be the last time I would wear this much makeup..." I chuckled.

Finished removing my makeup, I head downstairs as I suddenly didn't want to sleep.

I plop myself on the couch and turn on the TV. I flipped through the channels and landed on tvN - I love tvN dramas - and saw that it was playing Tomorrow With You. 

I grabbed a pillow and laid my head on it as I started to watch the drama. 

Slowly closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. 

When I woke up again, I realised I was not in the living room nor my room. My eyes glanced at the room and I figured out that I was in the guest room - aka Eunwoo's room - I tried not to move a lot and I just decided to close my eyes because I wanted this moment to last forever.

I was awoken a few minutes later of piercing sounds of two voices. 

"Omo sesange ahdskjghsdkfojqwoaijdoiajo!" 

[Oh yeah thank you for 100 reads omf, I thought this book would flop a lot.

 Long Chapter Intended(sorry)

;edit; I forgot that the female had a name omf

gotta tao]

Babysitter;Cha EunwooWhere stories live. Discover now