ni hao beyotch

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^excuse title, i didn't know what to call this chapter but anyways :) i'm gonna do a little reflection and reaction to this whole book so the bs below are just for fun. and i am not going to re-edit or change anything because i think it's a good idea to look at how bad my english was and how i can improve. also this chapter will be long.


   " Mum I'm 17, I can take care of myself!" I yelled as a stormed off to my room.  
  — wtf I meant 'I' not 'a' what was I doing oml.

"Eunbi, your father and I are going on a business trip to Australia and we won't be back for months... " my mum said.  
— didn't they come back a few days later? wtf @my time skills.

  I rolled my eyes and held back to fight back - I mean it would probably be useless - I stormed off to be my room and yelled out something I shouldn't have said "Mum I'm 17, I can take care of myself!"  
 one word: colon. 



 I looked up and my eyes jumped out. CHA EUNWOOOOOO OFDJDJSUHFU.  
 no need to say anything, it's self-explanatory.  

  "What the fuck are you doing here!" I spat.

 I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge, I took out the bagel and brought it over to the living room. I sat on the other side of the couch as I turn on the television. I started to eat the bagel as Eunwoo was still on his phone. However as I kept eating, I could feel the idiot staring at me. I looked up and he quickly looked back onto his phone, I grabbed a cushion and threw it on his head.   
— yup keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there.
 should be turned since i wrote this chapter in past tense.

"Butyoulookedcuteandaidsdfkdshfkhk" he mumbled.
— english please??

"What? Can you speak non idiotic?" I said.

— says me.

I opened the fridge and got some water, my heart;was beating fast.

— wrong use of semi-colon smfh. but i'm only letting myself off because i didn't properly learn that bs.



I blushed at his comment, I never felt that weak towards his words. Although he would always joked around by him calling me his 'girlfriend', I never felt weak towards his words. 
— everything seems off about this sentence.

  As I was finishing the latest episode of Missing 9, the door opened slightly.  
— good times TT



I fell to the ground and started to tear up due to the sudden surprise, the man took of his mask and said "Ya! It was a prank..."
— ya weak gurl.

I panted as I took a short break, I was not that fit because I was a potato. Although many people think I'm slim by exercising, it's not true, I just have genes that prevent me from getting fat.   
— that's a bit rude to potatoes...
— that's nice, i think i was trying those kpop fanfic cliches or something like that.

 I finally saw the black hooded guy and crept slowly towards. I lept onto him and tackled him down. Because of that we both fell down, however at last minute - somehow - he flipped me over. Our faces were just inches apart and I felt so hot, I closed my eyes just in case he did that to me. He smirked and gave out a small chuckle.  
— dafuq is lept?
— still a better love story than my secret romance (no hate to people who loved that)

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