Chapter 18

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Kendall's POV-

During recess, I decided to tell Sasha and Maddy about Luke. It wasn't something I planned on doing, but when Maddy brought up the subject I couldn't resist. 'so, Kendall, met anyone you like yet?' she asked, cheekily. I failed to hold in my excited smile. 'oh my god, she has!' Sasha guessed, 'It's that guy who was at your locker this morning isn't it?'. They were acting very girly in that moment, like they just found a puppy or something. I showed them the piece if paper with his number on it and they got even more giggly. 'let's go to the surf club after school so you can tell us all about it' Sasha suggested.

Kyle's POV-

While helping john fix a leak at the surf club, Sasha, Maddy and Kendall walked in. I was relieved to see Ken with some friends that I knew I could trust. 'Ken, hi, how was your day at school?' I asked, interrupting their conversation. 'fine' she answered. 'just fine? tell that to Luke!' Sasha cut in. When I heard the name I instantly thought of Max. had something happened again? 'Luke?' I questioned, feeling worried. 'New love interest. jeez Kyle, keep up' Sasha said. She's wierd. I was stunned at the fact that Kendall had a boyfriend. I immediately thought the worst of him and I knew Brax would too...

Later that night, Casey, Heath, Brax and I were in the living room waiting for Kendall. 'it's 11pm, why isn't she home yet?' I said, furiously. I hadn't told the boys about Luke yet because I didn't think that they'd take it well, especially now that Ken was missing. 'Maybe we should go look for her' Casey suggested but Brax told us to wait. After a few minutes, Kendall came through the door like nothing was up. 'Kendall! where have you been? are you okay?' I exclaimed. 'relax. have you lot been waiting up for me?' She asked. Heath stood up, 'of course! where were you Kenny?' he asked. She sighed and simply said, 'out. and not with Luke if that's what you're thinking, Kyle. I'm going to bed, 'night guys.'. She slumped into the next room, leaving us hanging. 'woah, hold on. who's Luke?!' Brax yelled after her, but she was already gone. He looked at me in anger and we all went to bed, agreeing to discuss it in the morning

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