Chapter 21

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Kendall's POV-

Luke was strangely weird at school that day. In English class he wouldn't stop whispering in my ear and it got us in detentio, but thankfully miss Scott let us out early; it pays to have the principal as your sister in law. I was starting to reconsider my relationship with Luke. Half of the reason I was still going out with him was to stick it to my brothers and I was wondering if that was enough anymore. I was consulting in Sasha during lunch, I knew she could help me out. 'Ken, if you don't like him, you don't have to go out with him' she told me. I convinced her that I really did like Luke, which was true, but he was being a bit too full on. 'Speak of the devil' Sasha sighed, indicating towards Luke who was on his way over. I felt humiliated every time he talked in the group, and i could see Josh snicker too. Thankfully, the bell came to my rescue before he said another word.

Kyle's POV-

I waited at the school gates after school, hoping to catch Luke. I saw him leave and was ready to threaten him out of our lives when Sasha stopped me. 'stop right there' she begun, 'you're going about this all wrong'. She pulled me over behind a tree to sus things out. I had the feeling that she had changed her mind about Luke, that she was about to hatch a plan to help me. 'you know about Max and Luke?' I assumed since it seemed obvious. 'what? Luke and Max are friends? that..... actually makes a lot of sense.' she responded. So she hadn't known, however I was kind of relieved I told her because I knew that Kendall could trust her when she tells her about him. 'I guess I should explain...' I said and I did. I told her about Max and about what Luke said to me at Angelo's. She looked concerned, just like I did. 'Great' i sighed, ' so when are you going to tell her?'. She looked at me and laughed. 'no no no no no. I don't want her turning on me!' she protested. 'you're the only one that she'll believe! you have to do it.' I demanded, because it was true. if I tried to tell Kendall myself, she would instantly think I was lying. 'fine. but you're going to be there to back me up' she finally admitted, and I had to agree.

Brax, Sasha and I waited at Angelo's where Ken agreed to meet us. The place was closed so that she wouldn't feel like we were making a scene. 'hey guys....' she greeted us, obviously confused. She sat down and asked what we wanted. Brax hung around in the background, not wanting to upset Kendall. 'listen, Ken, there's something you need to know about Luke.' Sasha began. Ken rolled her eyes and got up to leave, however I sat her back down. 'listen! we're doing this for your own good.' I convinced her. Sasha told her everything. She told her about Max, she told her about that night at Angelo's, but most importantly of all she told her that she was in danger. Being her stubborn self, Kendall stood up for Luke. 'You're wrong about him! I just can't believe that Kyle talked you into this Sasha.' she said, looking very disappointed. 'No Kendall, he didn't talk me into anything. I told him that I didn't trust Luke.' she reassured but I knew that my sis wouldn't change her mind. Ken stormed out without another word while Brax frowned at me. He thought that I had stuffed everything up..... And I had. 'thanks for trying, but we'll take it from here.' Brax told Sasha, taking over our little plan to help Ken.

Later that night we came home to find all of Kendall's things gone, along with her car. I'll never be able to forgot the look on Brax's face...

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