Chapter 22

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Kyle's POV-

'Oi ken!' I was woken up to the sound of Heath shouting; he had obviously not heard the news. 'Keeeeennnnnnn' He continued. I reluctantly got out from bed to tell him that she had left, even if I didn't know where she went. Brax had been out all night looking for her for her around town and he hadn't come home so I guessed that he was still out there. 'shes gone, Heath' I told him, barely awake. 'w-what?..' he replied. He looked scared, an emotion I rarely saw on Heaths face. 'She left last night. she doesn't... want to live with us anymore' I told him. It was then when the reality hit me. Had I really driven my own sister out of her home?! I felt horrible, liked I'd destroyed her life all over again, when all I wanted to do is help. Before I knew what was happening, Heath was calling Brax to talk about Kendall. In the end, he went out to look for her with him.

Kendall's POV-

I woke up feeling... unsafe. I'd spent the night on the beach since I couldn't find a place to stay. I stood up and took a look around. Luckily I was the only one on the beach, until I saw a figure running towards me. I instantly thought "braxton". I didn't know what my brothers problems were; They got so involved in my life! 'Oh thank god' Heath said as he hugged me. I knew what was coming; an endless lecture about my safety and all that blah. 'Ken, you have....' Heath began but I cut him off, 'stop. it's not your problem.' I simply stated. He looked at me like he understood so I took that as my cue to walk away. I looked back to see him in sorrow, I think he knew that I wasn't coming back home.

So I went to the diner in search of a place to stay. I was hoping to ask around and find someone nice enough to open their doors to a Braxton. 'Hey Leah' I say as I walk in. 'oh hi Kendall, what can I get you?' she replies being her usual friendly self. 'a place to stay' I joked and she laughed along. 'Hey hold on, I've got a spare room if you need it' she perked up. I was so glad that it was Leah that offered me a room. I could trust her not to get too into my life. I accepted with glee and moved in that afternoon. I thought I was finally rid of my brothers, but I was proven wrong when I heard a knock at the door later that night...

I waited as Leah opened the door to my brother, Brax. 'Leah, hey' He said, letting himself in. 'I was wondering if you've seen Kendall today? she didn't come home today so I'm kind of worried' he continued. I knew I'd been caught out, but there was no way that I was leaving Leah's, and now my own, home. 'Wait... you don't know.. she's moved in here. I'm sorry I thought she would've told you' Leah answered and my heart sank. Brax walked into the living room and straight away picked me up and hugged me. I always loved it when Brax hugged but this time I was concerned about what he's make me do. 'Where were you? where did you sleep? are you okay?' He bombarded me with questions. I sat him down and told him that I'd be living at Leah's from them on, because I needed a break from my brothers. He tried to talk me out of it but he failed and in the end accepted that there was nothing he could do to change my mind.

Later that night I heard another knock on the door, but I had no idea who it would be......


I'm really sorry I'm not updating as much but I'm trying my hardest to get it written! I've got heaps of school work at the moment so it's interfering a bit :( hope you like it, sorry it's short!

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