four || we'll be reading...

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Finally, the hippie, or Jaxson, as I've been instructed to call him, appears and stands in the middle of the circle with a smile on his face.

"How about we start by introducing ourselves?" He asks.

He says it as if we have an option to stay silent, but I am ninety percent sure it was a rhetorical question. Well, I am at least eighty nine point five percent sure.

"Ah, let's start with you." He says.

His finger is pointed at me and I sigh and uncross my legs, just to cross them again. "My name is Lea and I enjoy sleeping and eating." I say.

He nods and smiles, then moves onto Curly.

"My name is Harry and I like to puzzle the philosophical aspects of life. Oh, and, I enjoy sleeping and eating as well." He turns to wink one green eye at me, and I step on his toe.

"Alright, Liam." The hippie gently urges.

The boy with the buzz cut stays silent and picks at the canvas of his shoe. He turns to Harry with pleading eyes, to which Harry just nods and pats Liam on the shoulder.

"His name is Liam and he enjoys video games and- Wait, yeah, that's it." Harry says.

Jaxson nods and points to each person in the room, as the rest of the group watches with attentive eyes. I make eye contact with a pair of icy blue eyes that belong to the girl with blonde hair. Her name, she revealed, is Natalia. When my eyes meet hers, she narrows them and pierce my soul with two crisp blue bullets. Alright, that was an exaggeration, but she really did glare at me for a good two minutes.

After we have all introduced oursleves, Jaxson The Hippie takes a seat next to Liam and pulls a box to his feet.

"Alright, so as you guys know; This is an all summer book club. We will be finishing at least ten books and it would be rad if you could fill the requirements by also reading at home." He says.

I look at Harry who mouths, "Rad?", and I shrug at him.

"So the first book we'll be reading is," He pulls out a book room the box and I immediately recognize the blue, white and black cover, "The Fault In Our Stars by John Green."

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