fourteen || waffles or pancakes?

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Coffee and Cigarettes - Never Shout Never

You and I - Ingrid Michaelson

"Thank you, for today. Really." Harry says.

We are sitting cross-legged in the bed of Harry's truck, watching the sun disappear behind the clouds. The lake is almost empty, with the exception of a few stray boats anchored close to shore. The boats are probably inhabited by couples, people who are in love. I bet they're watching the sky fade into dark blue just like me and Harry, the only exception being that they're both in love.

"It was no problem, I had a lot of fun." I smile.

Harry captures my hand in his, only for a minutes, and then he lets me slip from his grasp. His palms were sweaty against mine, his fingers were shaking.

"We should get you home," He sighs. "I don't want you to get in trouble."

I follow him and slide into the cracked leather seat, against the window, so that I am the furthest away from Harry as I can be.

The drive is silent, and the air smells of summer. Of humidity. Trees are all I see, trees and dust. The occasional farm. Trucks just like Harry's.

Harry pulls into my driveway and pulls the keys out of the ignition. He unbuckles and turns to face me.

"What I said about the book... I didn't mean it." He says quietly.

I grin. "So you did like it?" I ask.

He purses his lips. "Lea, I cried like a bitch."

I pinch my lips together in a pathetic attempt to keep the laughter that was brewing in my chest from filling the car. As I fail, Harry buries his face in his hands and chuckles softly at himself.

"My mom thought someone had died or something." He exasperates.

I laugh even harder at his flushed expression.

"Oh, I've got a softie on my hands."

Harry furrows his brow and pouts in an adorably childish way.

"Come on, Lea. It was really depressing. The book was depressing." He whines.

I shake my head, still smiling and slip my flip-flops on my feet and open the car door. Harry's staring at me and although there isn't a smile on his lips, I can see it there, in his pale jade eyes.

"What?" I ask sheepishly.

He chews thoughtfully on his pink bottom lip. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" He asks.


My cheeks, ears, and neck instantaneously flush pink and my fingers fidget in my lap.

"Like, on the mouth?" I ask dumbly.

Harry smiles. "Yes, like on the mouth."

"Oh," I nod. "That would be great, the only problem being that I'm a bit rusty in the kissing department-"

He cuts me off with a small smile. "Lea, it's okay if you haven't had your first kiss."

I huff. "I have too had my first kiss." I lie.

Harry's dimple appears in his right cheek. "Oh yeah? Was it Johnny from first grade?" He asks.

"Jeremy. Kindergarten." I mutter.

"Alright, then just pretend I'm Jeremy from kindergarten." He replies.

I look up at him. "Jeremy kissed my cheek and I slapped him across the face."

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