six || not hungry

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The second we pull into the driveway and my mom pulls the keys out of the ignition, I bolt. Through the front door, up the stairs and to my room, locking the door behind me.

For some reason, I cannot wait to delve into this book, and more than half of my urgency has to do with the metaphor that Harry mentioned.

I dive into the white duvet that is tugged over my mattress and immediately open the book to the first page, and begin to read. I tell myself that I need to keep my limit to only one chapter, but by the time my mother opens the door to call me to dinner, I have just finished the third.

"Lea, come eat dinner." She says.

I don't even look up from my literature, I merely wave her away and continue to read.

"Lea." My mom barks.

I sigh, tuck my yellow bookmark into the gripping tale and toss it on my side table.

"Mom, I'm reading for the book club." I whine.

She rolls her eyes and closes my door behind her. "Scoot over." She instructs.

We lay on the bed next to each other, staring at the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars that had already inhabited my ceiling when we got there.

"Do you like it here?" I ask.

She sighs. "It's a small town... I haven't really had a chance to explore, you know?"

I nod and reach for the stuffed elephant that is slouched over on my pillow.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"I hope you can make friends here." She says.

I shrug and play with the ear of my stuffed animal. "I hope I can too." I say.

"Alright, let's go have dinner."

"Not hungry." I reply.

She drags me downstairs anyway, and what I see sat on the couch freezes me like the winter cold.

It's Harry and what I presume to be his parents, sitting on my couch and conversing with my father.

My mom squeezes my arm and grins. "Well isn't this just a nice surprise?"

hey guys, it's just a filler but i wanted to update before Monday bc i'll be busy all weekend :)

louise grinberg plays lea btw

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