twenty-three || virgin harry

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This chapter has the frickle frackle written by the lovely @chinavase and minorly edited by me. Go follow her because she's a queen.

Once I had set my few articles of clothing in the drawers provided by the hotel, Gemma left, exchanging places with Harry. He walks behind me and wraps his long arms around my waist, nudging his face into my neck.

"Hi." I say, craning my neck so that his head is lain in the crook of my shoulder.

"Hi. You smell good." He closes his eyes and practically purrs against my skin.

Oh my god.

"Why aren't you putting your stuff in you room?" I question, stepping out if his arms and padding to the bathroom.

He leans against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, watching me in the mirror as I line the complimentary shampoos up in a perfect line.

"This is my room, our room."

I turn and frown out him. "Surely, neither of our parents are okay with that." I say.

He rolls his eyes. "They're on another floor. I would've came in here eventually anyways."

Harry's hands grip my hips from behind, again, and he nibbles on my ear. I slap him away, laughing and shaking my head at him.

"What is with you today?" I ask.

He grins sheepishly and clasps his hands behind his back, legs held straight together and feet pointed inwards.

"Nothing, I just love you."

I kiss his nose and blush furiously after the look he gives me. Pure adoration.

I splay myself out on the bed and Harry lays next to me, rolling to his side and propping his head up with his hand.

"We're going to have fun here. It's a long drive but we could go to Cannon Beach if you wanted." He says, brushing that hair off my neck.

I stare at the ceiling fan, memorizing the idle spin of the wooden paddles. It's still warm in here, despite the cool breeze floating through the open window.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

Harry shrugs. "Not sure, I'm pretty sure they went to dinner or something."

"And they didn't invite us?" I pretend to be offended, but I'm screaming internally that I get a chance to spend time with him.

We lay there in idleness for a while, staring at the ceiling, exchanging one-sided, one word answers , but it's nice. The warmth of his body his radiating over to mine and heating me to core. Harry gets up when the sun has sunken down behind the clouds to retrieve his things from his sisters room.

I watch as he lumbers around the room, tossing his two pairs of jeans and at least ten t-shirts into the same drawer and kicking it closed. My face is buried into the down filled pillow, but I can hear him open the side drawer, toss whatever contents in it, then close and return to his place next to me.

"What was that?" I ask.


I roll over to look at him. "What'd you put in the drawer?"

Harry's frowns and shakes his head. "Just some pills and stuff."

"So if I look in the drawer all I will find is pills and stuff." I tease, running a hand through his unruly hair.

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