thirteen || jump

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Friday rolls around, and my week has been spent with nights in the barn with Harry and exchanged texts as well. He called me at right this morning, not my ideal hour, and instructed me to get ready for the lake.

I put up a fight, for a good thirty minutes, but he finally convinced me, and here I am. I'm sitting on my porch in a baggy t-shirt and jean shorts over a swimsuit. I have no plans, and I mean no plans, to remove my clothing. Not in front of Harry, at least. It's just not going to happen.

His red truck pulls up the street with a cloud of red dust billowing up behind it. I can see him now, dark hair pushed off his forehead, a white tank top with, and cigarette between his lips.

I sling my backpack over one shoulder and trudge to where he waits. Only seconds after I shut the car door next to me, I look over to see my favorite dimpled grin.

"Hi." I smile.

His face glows. "Well, hey."

"Uh, how are you?" I ask quietly.

My subconscious falcon punches me in the throat for acting like such an awkward peach.

"Depends, how are you?" He replies.

"You woke me up too early." I say.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"I like you."

I laugh. "I like you too."

"Okay, good. Just making sure you haven't changed your mind." He chuckles.

I point to the faded green and violet mark around Harry's eye socket that has shown a great deal of improvement.

"Your eye looks better," I say. "How are you feeling?"

"It feels better, as do I. Your mom's cookies sure did help loads." His hand reaches out to bump mine.

"Oh please, you should've seen her face after you indulged her in your praise. I swear, that woman likes you more than I do." I laugh.

Harry raises an eyebrow. "Can't blame her." He winks.

I shove him and he tosses his lot cigarette onto the pavement and puts the car in drive, laughing as we tear through a long dirt road. My brown hair is a torrent of tangles in the wind. Harry's white tank top is blown flush against his stomach and chest, I can see the detailing of twin swallows who's wings flick the base of his collarbones.

They appear to be moving, flying from a frozen state. I want to reach out and touch them, to trace every centimeter of ink implanted into tan skin. I know Harry as captured my eyes on him, and now has captured my full attention. Invisible words float between us, a live wire from my heart to his.

"We're almost there." He says, breaking our gaze like the snapping of a violin string.

I look out the window to see the most beautiful vista yet. Wide, jagged rocks stretch into the sky over clear green water. Sailboats are scattered over the emerald glass, that so strongly strikes me comparable to Harry's eyes. There's a dock only steps from where the truck comes to a stop. It sways in place where it barely skims the waters surface. Families are pushing their boats into the water, pushing each other into the water as well.

"You've got a swimsuit on, right?" Harry asks.

I look down and nod. "Yeah..."

He grins and lights a cigarette. The tendrils of smoke swirl through the air and into my nose. The thick scent is alluring, familiar, and I want more.

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