sixteen || daises

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Only Human - Christina Perri

Fix You - Coldplay

Flowers In Your Hair - The Lumineers

When I wake up, light is pouring through the open window. I am on the floor encased in Harry's muscled arms. His hands are resting under the edge of my shirt, his knee between my legs. We are so close, closer than I have been with anyone else. His body is warm curled up against mine, his breaths are soft and his face is relaxed. When I try to wiggle out of his grasp, his eyes blink open and he tightens his arms around me.

"Where you going?" He asks.

His voice is rough and gravely.

"Back to the bed." I whisper.

He shakes his head. "No, you're staying here. Keep me warm."

I can't say that I wasn't content lying there in his arms. Our hearts and breaths are in perfect sync.

"I love the smell of your hair." Harry says quietly.

I smile and bury my face in his chest. "I like your smell too." I reply.

"And your skin," He brings my arm up to his nose. "It's so soft and smells like lavender."

I can feel the heat rise to my face and neck. Harry has a knack at making me blush.

"I have to go home." I sigh.

He frowns. "Well, I already had the day planned so you can't go."

"I shouldn't but I have to." I gently attempt to reject his offer even though I'd much rather engage in whatever he has planned.

"I'll talk to your mom. Just one more day, then you don't have to see me for a week." He says.

"Oh good. I'm so incredibly tired of spending time with you." I reply.

"Ditto." He laughs.

There's a knock at the door and I climb to my feet and sit in the desk chair. Harry is chuckling, shaking his head at me when he opens the door to reveal his mother.

"Good morning, Lea." She attempts to smile politely but I can see right through her.

She's totally judging me.

"What did you need?" Harry snaps.

He must have seen her judgmental stare as well.

"Breakfast is on the table." She says.

"We're eating out. Sorry." He goes to slam the door in her face but I stop it with my foot.

"It's fine, we'll have breakfast." I smile.

Harry huffs when his mom leaves and narrows his eyes at me. For as nice and charismatic he is around me, he is a completely different person to his parents. Not that I blame him.

"I think you have multiple personality disorder." I say, reaching for my jeans.

He throws himself down on the bed like the child that he is and groans.

"I don't want to have breakfast with them." He whines.

I roll my eyes. "Your mother is very nice despite that fact that she thinks I'm the big school slut."

He furrows his brows. "Why would she think that?"

I swear to The Lord Jesus Christ that he is the most oblivious boy I have yet to encounter.

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