eleven || the fault in this book

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"Lea, your mom's here." Liam yells.

I pull the blanket off my legs and scramble up the stairs, with Harry at my heels.

"Smell my breath." I say.

Liam nods gestures me towards him and I let my breath fan over his face.

"You smell like Harry." He says.

"We didn't kiss." I blurt.

Liam just smiles and looks over my shoulder at Harry, who's cheeks are flushed.

"We really didn't." Harry protests.

I have only known Harry for almost a week, and only two days have actually been spent with him, but I have never seen him appear flustered. It must be a trick that Liam has, I can't ever make Harry blush. Except for now.

"Yeah, sure you didn't. Bye Lea." Liam smiles as a push open the screen door.

I smile over my shoulder and wave at him and Harry, and then close the door behind me. I can see my mom, she's smiling as a walk down the driveway to the car.

"You do look pretty." She says, glancing at my dress.

I sigh and brush the blanket fluff off of the white fabric. "Yeah, I guess."

"Did you have fun?"


"Oh, good."

When I get home, it's the same routine. I read a chapter of the book, log onto my laptop and scroll through my blog, and then I lay staring at the stars glued to my ceiling. My window is open, summer breeze that smells of fresh-cut grass comes through in waves, softly blowing my white curtains in its wake. I stand, and walk over to the window, letting my fingers trail over the cracked white paint on the sill.

"Lea?" A voice whispers.

I look down and let put a part gasp, part sputter, neither of which sound attractive. Harry is standing just below my window, smiling like an idiot.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper in reply.

He shrugs. "I was out so I figured that I'd ask if you wanted to come on a drive with me."

It's just become dark, the sun is gone and Harry is nothing but a figure in the blue velvet night.

"Why would I want to go on a drive with you?" I ask.

"Well, because we're friends." He says.

God, he's got that stupid grin on his face again. It is virtually undeniable, I can even picture his eager green eyes.


"How in the hell am I supposed to get out there without my parents seeing me?" I question.

Harry furrows his brow and taps his foot in the dirt. "Alright, got it. Jump and I'll catch you." He says.

I laugh and shake my head. "No way." I deadpan.

Harry holds his arms up and smiles. "Come on, don't you trust me?"

I chew thoughtfully on my chapped bottom lip and then look back down.

"What if you don't catch me?" I ask.

"Trust me, I'll always catch you." He replies softly.

Before I can question what he means by "always catching me", I put both of my legs out of the window, take one more glance down and then free fall. I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing myself to crash onto the ground and break my neck, but when I open my eyes, all I see is Harry.

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