seven || watermelon gum

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I stare impudently at the boy who is sat across from me, his entire focus on the conversation that he was engaging in with his father and my father. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye, and impish grin written on his lips. One emerald eye shuts to wink at me, and I still stare at him with blank features.

After they're done talking about football, the parents start to talk about world affairs and Harry gestures for me to follow him into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

He put his hands up in defence. "I swear to god I didn't plan this. My dad is on city council and he knew that there was a new family so he dragged my ass out here too." He says.

I believe him, in that instance. His green eyes are wide, cheeks flushed in the most attractive way. Literally, what is wrong with me?

"Want some gum?" I ask.

He sticks his tongue out to show me the green wad of gum already in his mouth.

"Well, spit that one out and take this. I have to return the favor, it's been bothering me." I say, arm outstretched with a little pink square in the palm of my hand.

He stares at my hand and then smiles.

"It's just gum, Lea."

I sigh and grab his arm, open his hand, ignore the electricity I feel when out fingers connect, and drop the piece of gum in his large palm.

He brings it to his nose and frowns in disgust. "Watermelon gum? Really?"

I draw my eyebrows together and stare up at him. "Watermelon gum is the best, what are you saying?" I ask.

Harry shakes his head and pops it in his mouth anyways. His mouth his drawn back, eyes squinted and the crease between his eyebrows becomes slightly more prominent as he chews he gum that might make him vomit.

"What," He chews, "Is wrong with you? This gum is disgusting."

I chew my own, thoughtfully dissecting every part of flavor until it dawns on me that this gum really is disgusting.

"Yeah, you're right." I say.

Harry keeps chewing, as do I.

"Why are we still chewing it?" Harry finally asks.

I shrug and lean against the counter. "Why not?" I ask in reply.

He shrugs and we stand there, just stand there chewing the gum until the mutual decision to spit it out arises and we both toss it into the trash.

"Why did we do that?" I ask.

He shrugs and a goofy smile emerges. "I think the question is; Why not?"

And for that moment, for the first time ever, I smile at him. And it's not forced, or fake. It's a genuine Lea Golding smile.

"Hey!" Harry exclaims.

My smile drops and I stumble back. "What? What is it?" I ask.

"You smiled." He grins.

I let out a sigh of relief and rub my eye. "Oh... Yeah. I am a human you know." I reply.

Harry taps my cheek and leans against the counter next to me. "I thought you were a robot. You should smile more often, looks good on you." He says

His face is only inches from mine. No, I'm not thinking of kissing him. Of course not. What could explain the steady flush of my cheeks? Why do I keep getting closer? I can't stop myself, I keep getting closer and closer until watermelon breath fans over my face. For a second, I think he's going to kiss me. But then, he pulls away and reaches in his back pocket.

"Gum?" He asks, pulling out a pack of peppermint gum.

Yeah, I really hate watermelon gum.

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- S x

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