Part 3

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The first thing you noticed  was his magnificent eyes, his ghoul eyes..  he was staring straight into your (eye color) orbs  with a hint of sadness behind them. He was beautiful to your eyes… he had pitch black hair styled to his right side showing the undercut on the left, his face showed 2 piercings 1 on his left brow bone and the other on his lower lip, a large tattoo written in Greece letters circled his neck… normally you would be scared of him, like every normal person would be but you somehow did not feel any fear towards him after he removed his mask… he was a ghoul though but something was different about him.

 He kept staring in your eyes for a moment until he turned around

“Are you hungry?” he asked in a kind tone that left you confused but you still hummed back

“Follow me” you slowly got up to your feet and started following him with a little distance between you to the upper level that was leading to his apartment.

He guided you towards a door and let you wait for a moment until he returned with something in his hands

“Here, change into this once your done” he handed you some fresh clothes and a towel you took them out of his hands pressing them tightly to your chest, he opened the door to the bathroom and let you step inside

“Take your time…feel free to use the tub” your eyes were shaking as you slowly stepped into the room and examined it, his furniture were all black with some small white accents and some skull figures here and there, the scent that filled the room was really comforting, you figured that it was his scent

“If your done follow this path to the living room, I´ll be waiting there” you looked at his hand that pointed the direction and you nodded shyly, he then stepped back and closed the door leaving you to it.

You stood there for a moment staring at the closed door not really understanding him, why was he so kind to you? wasn´t he your new owner? Things were kind of confusing but you tried to push these thoughts aside and looked around some more in the bathroom.

You scanned the shelf´s and were surprised how much stuff he possessed, he had a ton of sunglasses and piercings which amazed you, he was a guy after all.

 You stopped at the bathtub and saw how large it was, were you really allowed to take a bath in it? you turned around and glimpsed at the skull formed clock that was hanging on the wall to check the time before you slowly placed your clothes on the shelf and walked over to  the mirror, it´s been a while since you last saw yourself in the reflection… you noticed how long your hair had grown since last time, your skin was really pale and exhausted from the lack of sleep, the small cut on your right cheek has already healed but a light red line was still visible that would probably stay there forever… it will remind you everyday that the ghoul chose to save you instead to kill you that night.

You washed your hands and face before you undressed yourself out of the dirty white dress and stepped into the bathtub.

After you finished bathing you brushed your hair and changed into the clothes that Uta gave you, they fit surprisingly well and looked cute, you walked out of the bathroom and followed the direction he gave you until you reached the living room, a nice smell welcomed you and you followed it until you reached the kitchen, Uta was no where in sight so you walked closer to the prepared food on the table and examined it

“I hope you like (favorite food)” Uta´s voice let you startle and turned around with a jumping heartbeat stepping back from the table

“I-I..” you stuttered nervously as you saw him standing in the door frame and suddenly you forgot what you wanted to say as you saw him in different clothes than before, he was dressed in a dark grey shirt with a black cardigan and some matching jersey pants, his shirt was cut deeper in the chest  and you were able to see some of his muscles… he was covered in tattoos everywhere, a large one on his left side looked like a sun to you, it was quite large, his fingers were also tattooed to tips, you swallowed shyly as you had to admit that it suited him well..

“Take a seat” he offered you as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle pouring himself a glass, you nodded doing so.

He sit across you and watched you as you slowly took the fork in your hands and picked up the first piece of food, it was delicious… you started eating the rest rather quick because you haven´t had something this good for to long, Uta observed you stuffing your mouth with the food and he wondered when the last time was you had something real to eat.

You finished the plate and gulped down some water after it, the feeling to feel stuffed was amazing, you looked over to Uta who was watching you with observant eyes, you totally forgot he was here because you were so hungry, a light blush of embarrassment crowned your cheeks and you looked down

“I assume it matched your taste?” he gave a small smile and you nodded shyly

“Y-Yes.. thank you for the meal, it was delicious” he nodded and took a sip from his black colored glass which content you could not identify, he set the glass down and opened his eyes slowly

“What´s your name?” your eyes looked away from him and you lightly gripped the fabric of your clothes that covered your thighs

“It´s.. .(first name)” you said in a shy tone and he smiled again, he took another sip from his glass before he stood up from his chair and walked over to you, your head lifted quickly as you noticed him coming your way, he stopped next to you and looked down into your (eye color) eyes, his fingers grabbed the plate gently and he lifted it up

“That´s a nice name, it suits you well “ his eyes left yours slowly and he turned around to walk back to the kitchen, you followed his figure and were still startled from his intensive eyes,  they somehow left you breathless and you noticed how fast your heart was beating, you placed your hand on your chest and felt how crazy your chest was going, your eyes wandered over to him and watched him as he let in some water in the sink for the dishes, you slowly stood up and walked towards him

“L-Let me help you…” you said shyly stopping next to him, his eyes looked at you surprised, he wanted to deny your help since you were his guest but then he saw the pleading deep down in your orbs that he could not turn you down and he handed you a cutlery in the end.

The dishes were soon cleaned and the kitchen looked tiny, Uta glimpsed at the clock and asked you to follow him, he brought you to another door and opened it

“You can sleep here, I changed the bedding earlier” you slowly stepped in the room and looked around, there was a real bed standing inside with a soft duvet and a cozy pillow

“I also placed some clothes in the closet, they should fit you...” you did not know what to say, you were overwhelmed by your emotions since you never experienced any kindness from ghouls before, you suddenly started crying lightly and Uta´s eyes widened

“Hey, what´s wrong?” he asked worried and you rubbed your eyes trying to stop the tears from falling

“N-Nothing… I am just… happy that´s all..” his heartbeat increased but then a pain stabbed him

“I´m just overwhelmed by my emotions because… I never experienced any kindness from a ghoul before…” you turned around to look into his face, but the sight of your tears made his heart ache even more

“I am human… so why are you treating me nicely? Is it just to… gain my trust? Will you hurt me once I trust you?“  your words pained him and he could not bring himself to answer you since he had no idea what to do with you… this wasn´t planed, he never thought he would see you again and even if he would, he never thought that he would bring you here to his home and treat you nicely after what he had done to you… even if it wasn´t himself who killed your father and mother it was his fault that they got killed… he could never forgive himself for that.

 “You should… get some rest…”he stepped back and slowly closed the door behind himself

“Good night” You stood there with confused eyes as the light from the hallway disappeared with the closing door, you whipped the tears off your face and listened to the foot steps that left your door, he never replied to your question… what was he planning to do with you? You could not figure him out at all, he was not like the other ghouls.. you slowly walked to the bed and lied down, the moonlight shining in from the window lightened up your face and you nuzzled into the duvet, his name rolled over your tongue before you doze off to sleep.

End of Part 3

No Face ~ Uta (Tokyo Ghoul) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now