Part 7

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The encounter with Tsukiyama marked you and on the same evening you decided to ask Uta about him, he was busy in his art studio as you knocked on the door

“Hmm” he hummed and you opened the door

“Hey Uta… am I disturbing?” he turned away from his sketch book and looked your way

“No not at all, come in” you walked in and seated yourself on the couch

“What´s the matter? Did something happen?” he asked curious, you played with the ends of your sweater nervously

“There is something I want to ask..”

“What is it?” you took a deep breath

“I met someone today at Anteiku… his name is Tsukiyama…” Uta´s eyes widened and he stood up from his chair

“What? You met Tsukiyama?” you were confused about his strange reaction, he seemed angered about it

“Y-Yes… I did” he made his way towards you and bend down to your level

“Did he do anything to you?” he asked seriously that made you worry what the matter was

“N-No he didn´t but he behaved strangely.. he sniffed me and Touka told me that he only preys on specific persons he found appetizing…” Uta looked shocked

“I´m really sorry… this is all my fault, he was probably there to look for me since I told him I would be delivering his order tonight” you saw Uta´s face and worried about him why he was so concerned, nothing happened after all

“He was indeed asking for you” he nodded

“Thanks for letting me know, but I have to be honest with you about something..” his eyes met yours

“Tsukiyama is a dangerous ghoul, I want you stay away from him it´s just like Touka said he is a guy who only feasts on specific persons he find appetizing, he loves to hunt his prey and kill it slowly, if he sniffed you that means he found your scent welcoming and it could also mean that you are in danger..” you heartbeat raised

“You say that he want´s to… kill me?”

“Probably yes… he used to be friends with a binge eater who enjoyed killing people just for fun” you swallowed scared

“A binge eater? Is it still among us?”

“No, she died a while ago in an accident” you were somehow relived

“Does Tsukiyama enjoy killing people to?”

“Only what he sees as his food…”

“Does he come here a lot..?” you asked pointing out to Uta's shop

“No he doesn´t, I usually bring the orders directly to him”

“I see.. does he know that I am here?” Uta shook his head

“No.. no one knows except Anteiku and Itori”

“That calms me a little” Uta looked straight in your eyes

“If you ever see him again call me immediately, do you understand?” you nodded

“Promise me”

“I promise” his face relaxed a little and he stood up walking to his desk and taking something

“Here, I want you to take this” he handed you a black spray can

“What is it?”

“It´s a special mixture that blinds a ghoul for a short period, just long enough to make a run for it” you took the spray can

“It could buy you precious seconds of time if you should be in trouble..”

“Thank you, that really calms me down to know I could at least defend myself”

“Also… one more thing..” you looked up to him

“If... I should ever lose control and attack you… don´t hesitate to use it on me as well…” your eyes began shaking

“W-What are you saying? I could never use it on you!” you stood up and faced him head on

“You have to understand… I am a ghoul and if I´m hungry… I will change into a different person that want´s to kill you…” he was not lying that was for sure his eyes were way to serious

“B-But why?” he placed his right hand on your neck and pulled you closer, his head lowered down to your neck and you felt his hot breath on your skin, his nose inhaled your scent deeply

“Because… your scent is so addicting” your heart was pounding wildly in your chest at his comment, the touch of his hand on your skin send shivers down your spine, he slowly removed his head and looked you in the eyes

“Your scent is addicting to ghouls… that puts you in great danger, you have to promise me that you won´t hesitate to use that spray on me if I should ever fall in a state where I can´t control myself anymore” your body was still shaking from his performance but you nodded

“I..I promise” he slowly let go off your neck and stepped back

“Good girl..” he walked back to his desk and sit down, you slowly lifted your hand and touched your neck where his hand was a second ago, the spot was tickling and warm

“Hey… what´s your birthday?” you snapped out of your thoughts and looked at his back

“W-What my birthday? Why do you want to know?” he smiled lightly

“Just tell me” you nodded

“It´s (Month / Day / Year)”

“It´s up soon, tell me is there something you want?” you were overwhelmed and had no idea what you should ask of him since there was nothing really you wanted except to be with him more…

“I.. don´t really know what I should ask for, you already did so much for me” he stood up and walked back to you with a pen and a paper in his hands

“Here, write me down whatever you wish for” you took the paper and the pen

“B-But..” he smiled

“You can write down anything you want” his face let your heart speed up again and you nodded accepting his offer

“Ok, I will write something for you, but only if you tell me your birthday in return” he nodded

“Fine, if that´s the only way I can make you write me down your wish” you smiled warmly

“It´s December 2th”

End of Part 7

No Face ~ Uta (Tokyo Ghoul) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now