Part 14

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"UTA!" you screamed as Furuta's kagune pierced him, blood was dripping from his wound but he stood there unaffected

"That's all you got?" he asked provokingly, Furuta smiled

"I should have known that you would show up if I tried to hurt her" Uta grinned and pulled the tip of his kagune out of his belly

"You know me to well, then you probably know what I'm going to do next" Furuta smirked

"I can't wait for it!" Uta called your name softly

"(first name), I want you to go upstairs and lock yourself in the bathroom until this is done, don't come out until I get you do you understand?" you nodded not having the courage to disobey his order, you started to make your way towards the stairs and climbed them running, once Uta heard the door locking he looked at Furuta with serious eyes

"What are you doing here Souta?" he asked letting his kakugan increase

"I was in the area and thought I pay you a visit and guess what I found out, you betrayed me for all these years..." Uta smirked

"So you still remember that after such a long time, I'm impressed, you usually don't give a fuck about those you killed" Furuta grinned

"Don't play innocent now Uta you know that it is your fault this mess happened in the first place and now you play the nice guy trying to protect her, how pathetic... what do you do if she finds out? Won't she hate and despise you then?" Uta build a fist with his palms

"That is my problem then, but right now I prevent you from harming her, she has nothing to do with this so leave her alone" Furuta started laughing loudly

"Who do you think your kidding?? Of course she has something to do with it, she has the same blood running in her veins as they had! She is going to be the same as her filthy father and mother once she grows up! She will ruin many lives and make a lot of people unhappy on her way! How can I let her live when I know what she will do!" Uta let his kagune run free and prepared for battle

"You don't get it Souta! She herself is a victim of her parents, they used her as a subject to experiment with the RC cells directly at birth, her parents tried to turn her into a half ghoul with those experiments but we killed them before they could finish it! The records never said that they had a child and that was for that reason, if she was registered officially her disappearance would have gone through the news and caused a huge problem for the CCG, I thought you knew that since you work for that company, all the dirty little secrets the CCG tries to hide must have reached your ears as well or am I wrong?" Furuta only laughed at Uta's explanations

"So what? Do you really think that would change my mind? of course I know about the experimentations... but just because she is a victim does not change anything, you betrayed me that night Uta, you disobeyed my orders to kill her and for that I have to eliminate you!".

The battle started downstairs in his art room and you could hear the noises up to the bathroom, you plugged your ears with your hands to avoid the noises, you were so scared that something would happen to Uta since his belly was already  injured, tears were streaming down your face.

"What changed your mind back then, why didn't you kill her?"

"She was innocent, there was no reason for me to take her life, I only launched the attack because I had no idea that they had a child"

"Hahaha, so if you would have known that they had a child you would have changed your plans?"

"I would have thought about a different strategy to kill them that won't involve her"

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