On the Edge

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Eve's POV

Jerry and I arrived back home, in London, a few days ago. I couldn't seem to forget my encounter with Marco.

Was it wrong I liked it so much?

I could still feel his hands all over my body and his soft lips on my neck like it was yesterday. There was heat rising between my legs and slight wetness in my panties when I heard my boss's voice interrupt my thoughts. I realised I was still in my boss's office.

"This is journalist gold right here, guys. I'm impressed with you two, especially you Eve. You have really proven yourself to be good at these serious pieces. " Mike, our boss, said whilst beaming at our Jerry's and I's joint article.

I rolled my eyes at his sly 'compliment' to me whilst Jerry smirked at the praise we were getting for the Project Liberty article. Mike turned in his chair to face us with his face beaming with joy.

"This article will put us on top considering how many other magazines have tried to get an interview with Mr Diaz. I'm sorry, Jerry but it's all thanks to Miss Cornell, here that we hit the jackpot." He said, gleefully.

Jerry seemed a little pissed off with the statement whilst I raised my eyebrow at Mike's gleeful behaviour.

"Um, thanks, Mike but we better go, we have articles to do," I said whilst dragging Jerry out of Mike's office and pulling him to one side.

"Hey, I was going to tell him more about the interview, you know the part about almost getting killed outside the base and Mr Diaz's mysterious bodyguards," Jerry said, looking at me for my answer. I pushed him further into a quiet corner in the office and stood in front of him, with my hands on my hips. I turned my head around to see if anyone was listening to what we were about to say. I turned back to face Jerry.

"Listen, Jerry, we can't say anything about other 'things' we saw. You don't know who is watching us, especially what happened with that market seller right in front of us" I said, whisper-shouting the last part.

Jerry raised his eyebrows and eyed me confusingly.

"You don't really believe that, Evie? "Jerry said

"I do and don't call me Evie," I said, playfully punching him on his arm. He laughed whilst rubbing his arm. Then he fake pouted with his lips and I just couldn't help but laugh.

"That really hurt, you know," He said.

"Whatever. You know the game plan is say nothing, right?" I said, lift my eyebrow at him to make sure he understood.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop being paranoid. If you want, I could protect you from any bad guys" He said, winking at me and laughing at his own statement.I scrunched my face up in disgust and shook my head at the thought of him wanting to 'protect' me.

" This isn't a joke, Jerry. Ever since we came back, I feel like someone is watching me." I said with concern.

"No one is watching maybe except for me. I mean I never dipped my finger in the chocolate before. Maybe you'll be my first." He said, attempting to caress my face with his hands but slapped them away. I walked away, still hearing him laughing to himself.


Later that day....

"Wait, are you saying that you and Martin did things?Like, did he make you wet or something?" Tanya said, looking at me for confirmation. At that moment, I spat my tea out because of her comment. Carly couldn't stop laughing, her honey blonde hair was all over her face as she rolled around in my sofa.

The girls came over to my flat in the evening and I just had to open my big mouth about what happened between Marco and I during the interview.

"Well...ok! He did finger me against a door. " I said, mumbling the last part whilst sipping my tea. Tanya and Carly looked at me with wide eyes whilst smiling deviously.

"What?" I asked, looking back at them.

"I didn't know that you were such a hoe, cuz. You're so nasty" Tanya said, laughing.

"I guess you had more than a good time with Martin," Carly said, nudging mischievously.

"His name is Marco by the way," I said frustrated

"Yeah, yeah. The way that Martin looks, I would give him the cookie anytime" Tanya said, smirking whilst Carly snickering at the comment.

"I know you heard me say his name is Marco," I said, frowning at her.

"Girl, it's a joke. You don't get your knickers in a twist like Martin did." Tanya said, laughing and high-fiving Carly.

"Whatever, are we going to watch this movie or what?" I said, getting up to get Netflix ready on my laptop and hooking up to my TV to watch the movie on a bigger screen.

"Let's do this," Carly said, grabbing the popcorn. We huddled together on the sofa and watched the movie.

The girls left and an eerie silence was heavy in the atmosphere. I distracted myself by clearing the living room and the kitchen. As I was about to make my way to the hallway, I looked to it, seeing an eerie darkness. As I looked at the dark hallway intensely, something moved in the darkness and I swore I could hear shallow breaths in the dark.

I backed away fast and I shook my head in disbelief.

My paranoia must be playing games with my mind. I thought

I went to the shelves near the front door and I was about to pick my letters when I saw a shadowy figure on the floor. I turned and made my way to the balcony door and looked outside. That's when I saw a dark figure looking at me and it pointed at me. I closed my curtains fast and finally made my way to my bedroom. I dropped my letters on the bed and paced around my room.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and felt myself sitting on a letter . I picked up the letter from under me and looked at it. I realised it was an unsual letter.

"Open me" I read out. I opened the enevolope and and pulled out the letter. I read it and became shaken from what I read.


"Unless what?" I whispered, shaken with fear.


Thank You for reading. I'm really trying to update as quickly as I can. I hope you're still enjoying the book.

Question: Who you do think is after Eve?

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