Connecting Again

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Marco's POV
I walked out of the bathroom, the towel draped around my waist. She was still sleeping soundly.
I smile as she shuffles slightly in her sleep. I was glad that we were dating, it felt right but there was something eating at me.
I remembered her asking me about 'El Diablo' and my heart stopped. I needed to know how she found about my father and if she knew it was my father.
I sighed in frustration, sitting by the edge of the bed. The sun was shining through the window, I was contemplating my next move.
I felt the softest hands wrap around my waist, slowly caressing my chest. She left light kisses on my back that ignited some excitement in my hardened member.

" You better stop before you start something you can't finish," I said, she moved from my back to my neck, devouring it with her warm wet tongue. I was ready to turn around and push her on the bed, take her right now. Her hand lightly stroked my length, I could feel myself getting close.

She stopped and got up, making her way towards the bathroom.

"Ok, I guess you can finish yourself off then?" She said, laughing.Her luscious curls bounced as she swayed that perfect ass into the bathroom.
I guess she was right, the way she looked I guess I could finish myself off.

Eve's POV

" So do you think that this will work as a good ending for the article?" Jerry asked, whilst sipping his coffee. After the success of the Project Liberty article, Jerry and I started to working on joint articles with me usually doing most of the writing.
I looked closely at what he wrote, smiling at how he improved. Jerry had good ideas but sometimes he didn't really know how to put them into words. Then I remember he got this job through Mike owing his father a favour.

" At least you improved," I said, chuckling lightly. He suddenly flicked my head in annoyance. I gasped in shock that he would dare to do that and I flicked him right back.
He walked out of the meeting room, laughing loudly and I smiled, glad that we developed such a great work dynamic.

Work had been going great, suddenly there was an overload of articles, serious ones and I couldn't be happier. I thought about how Marco made me feel good again after everything that happened with Jay.
I smiled at the thought of Marco's steely arms wrapped around my waist and his hand moving down my stomach, right above my sensitive spot....
I moaned softly and opened my eyes, realising that Carly was smirking at me like crazy.

" You heard that didn't you?"  I said, walking towards the door where she was leaning against the door panel.
" Ohhhhhh" she moaned, mocking me, roaming her hands over herself. I pushed past her and we took off together making our way to lunch with Tanya.

We sat at an Italian restaurant in the city, the sky was cloudy and the hubbub of office workers was drowned out by Carly's and Tanya's wild laughing, not that they seemed to care.
" I swear this guy has got her moaning out of nowhere," Carly said to Tanya as they laughed. I zoned out because something felt off, as if I was being watched. I subtly scoped out the restaurant, looking through the sea of people until a pair of dark brown pools captured my attention. The zigzagged scar that centralised that menacing face was all too familiar.
I suddenly looked down to see a pool of blood gushing around me and the market seller's eyes boring into my soul, reminding me of my guilt for putting her in danger.

" Eve? Eve, are you okay, sweetie?" Carly asked as I stared at them blankly, then I looked past them to see that the man with the scar wasn't there anymore.
I nodded silently as they continued to comfort me and I wondered what I would do next.

Marco's POV

I walked around the apartment, with white airy open spaces and a fantastic view of the city, that's when I knew that it was definitely a good idea to move permanently to London. I couldn't wait to tell Eve, I knew it would make her happy that I wasn't going to invade her space anymore.
Our relationship was going great for the past 6 months although I always had a nagging feeling that she didn't trust me much and I tried to bury it as much as I could but it kept resurfacing.
I sighed and walked to the window, taking in the view. A familiar click-clack of heels approached and Amanda stood beside me with papers in her arms as always.
Amanda was much more than my publicist, she's more of a manager and confidant that I came to love and know but I didn't care for her attitude towards to Eve.

" Is everything finalised, Amanda?" I asked, continuously staring out of the window. I could see her turn to face me in the corner of my eye.
" All done, you can move in right away. Are you sure about this?" She asked, concernedly, with her hand placed on my arm.

"  Yeah I'm sure," I said, turning to walk out of the apartment and see my Eva.

Eve's POV

The warm water shot out of the shower head as I scrubbed my body, trying to get rid of the blood that was there but the more I scrubbed, the more I realised that the blood wouldn't come off. My vision felt blurred so I stopped to look at my skin and the blood wasn't there anymore.
I sighed as I continued to shower for a couple of minutes before getting out. I wiped my body and I made my way into the room.
Marco was sitting at the edge of the bed, engrossed with whatever was on his phone. He looked up when he saw me come into the bedroom and before I knew it, he wrapped his arm around my waist width his face wedged in the crook of my neck, leaving little kisses. I felt myself nearly give in but the sudden memory of the man with the scar made me push him away from a little.

" Marco, don't lie to me when I ask this because I need to know, " I said but he wasn't paying attention since his managed to take my wrapped towel off, leaving me completely naked.

" I know you said you weren't ready for us to make love yet but I figured there is  another way that we could get pleasure." He said as he knelt down, before my sensitive mound. He blew some cold air on it and I shivered with pleasure.
" I got to get a little taste of your sweetness, mi Amor." He said, lustfully, licking his lips, ready to dive in but I stopped him  by asking:
" Who's El Diablo, Marco?"
His head snapped up to look at me, a cold but blank look cascaded his eyes.  He stood up whilst I grabbed my robe and put it on.
I sat down, looking at him nervously, waiting for him to respond.

"If I tell you, there is no going back. Ok?"  He said, facing me.

" Wait for a second, when I asked you initially, you refused to tell me. Why the sudden change?" I asked frustratedly.

" Things have changed since then, Eva. I'm only telling you this because now the time is right."

" So who is it?" I asked inquisitively.

" It's my father," He said as he held onto my hands. I removed my hands from him and got up, pacing the room in confusion.

" Your father ?! The same person that sent me this letter ? " I said, as I angrily got the threatening letter from the drawer and handed it to him. I watched him read, eyes growing wider in shock as he went through the letter.
He looked at me with pleading  eyes, trying hold onto my hand but I pushed it away.

" I didn't know , Eva. I swear." He pleaded with me.

I looked at him, dead in the eyes.

" Wrong answer, Marco."

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