Prologue: Darkness

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I wrote this a while ago, and for some reason thought it would be cool to have her have a little "try" with basically each of the boys.
Lots of people say it's annoying, and frankly I agree, but I'm not changing it coz it's funny. Just as a warning :P
I had my favourite album playing in my ears to attempt to distract myself from the cold, harsh winds that were blowing along the lonely road as I walked home from my Saturday job at the cafe just down my road. Even though it was incredibly late, I had done this walk too many times than I care to count. It was normal for me to think that I 'heard something in the trees', or thought 'that bush moved strangely'. I thought something like that every night, and one night I was so sure, I ended up with my head in a bush just to calm myself.

I took out my earphones as I passed the local primary school, which by now was dark and locked up. The iron chains of swings creaking eerily as the wind blew through the playground, leaves tumbled across the concrete.

I suddenly stopped as I thought I heard someone breathing beside me, but when I snapped my head around to look, I was met with an aged brick wall, but nothing else. I shook my head as I thought I was 'having one of those moments' again. I rolled my eyes, putting one of my earphones back in, still wanting to be able to hear if whatever it was came back again.

I rounded the corner to my house, seeing it as one of the only houses on that street with no lights on. The front of the house was illuminated with the warm glow of the street lamp opposite, and the flowers that grew through the cracks in the pavement now lightly swayed in the wind that had massively calmed down since I started my journey.

I reached into the bottom of my bag, for my key, which I found 'conveniently' at the very bottom, under my purse, phone, and other assorted things I had forgotten to take out in the days before. I yanked it out with a sigh, unlocking the door to the house that I had lived in on my own for what felt like months, when it had only been a couple of weeks. It was something people made fun of me for often, being 19 and not living on my own or going to uni or anything. But I hadn't really thought a lot about what I wanted to do or be when I was older.

I dumped all my stuff in the corner of the hallway, moving into the kitchen to get the kettle on. God knows I need a cup of coffee after working for 12 hours with people that aren't exactly a pleasure to serve.

I sat down in the living room with my cup of coffee, reaching for the TV remote to turn it on, but that's when I thought I heard a knock at the door.

"Literally who would be at my door at 10 fucking o'clock?" I muttered to myself, leaving my cup on the table next to me, straightening my hair and going to answer the door.

My door was mainly glass, so when I rounded the corner from my living room and saw no one through it, I was slightly confused.

I opened the door, only to be greeted by the harsh autumn breeze, and the seemingly empty neighbourhood. The distant sound of dogs barking was barely heard, but that was the only noise that echoed down the street.

I shrugged, closing the door as a particularly harsh gust of wind rushed into my hallway. Before I could return to my sofa, and the Walking Dead marathon that I had planned to watch before I went to bed, the living room door slammed closed, making me physically jump up in the air. I took a deep breath to calm myself, telling myself 'I must have just left the window open before I left'.

I carefully opened the door again, frowning when all the windows were closed, with the latches done up. I screeched as the door banged shut behind me again.

My eyes widened in shock, in complete disbelief at everything that was happening. When I turned around to try to and sit down, for the third time this evening, I walked into something firm. Rather, someone firm.



I have decided to refurbish the book a little bit, but if you're reading this, chances are you've only just started reading this book, which is good cos you're reading the better version. Yay. Anyway, if that is the case, hey, I'm Tamsin :)

The future chapters are going to be redone too, so just bare with me :D thanks!

Comments are greatly appreciated, and in my opinion are MUCH better than votes, cos I get to see what you really think about my writing. I CRAVE YOUR OPINION. (that may have sounded a bit weird)

Anyway, lots of love

Tamsin <3

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