39. You Can't Break Me

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I sat quietly in my room for what felt like hours, just thinking about Harry. It sounds ridiculous how much I think about him, but whenever I needed help, he was always there. So now whenever I need help now, I call for him, except the only difference is, this time, he won't come. No matter how much I call for him, he would never come.

I had looked in that book about magic and mythical creatures that Louis had gotten out before, when we first had these problems with the Angels. I read the section on vampires, in case I would ever need it. In it, was a paragraph that described what happened if a vampire hadn't fed recently enough. Apparently they go into a kind of trance, where all brain activity they had that makes them human, shuts off. All that's left is the most primal part, the part that instructs hunting strategy, the most dangerous part. They can't think rationally either, everything they would drink from, they would drink to kill. Nothing left behind. That's explains why Harry or any of the other boys couldn't recognise me, the lifeless look in their faces, the predatory look in their eyes

The next part is what scared me the most though. If a vampire doesn't drink soon after this happens, they go into full vampire mode. To those who aren't aware of what that means, said vampire transforms into something much worst. The fangs and nails elongate, their senses become more acute, and the only part of their brain left is the killing part. No strategy, just full on killing mode. The worst part of that, is that it can't be reversed.

Once they go through that, they are doomed to death.

The sound of the lock of the door moving once again filled the room, before Bjorn stepped in. He had a slightly concerned look on his face, before holding out his hand for me to take. I mustered the most energetic smile I could, which wasn't very big, before getting up and following him.

We didn't speak the entire time as I rather obediently followed him to a new room that I hadn't been to yet. He opened the door for me, revealing a room that seemed to be used for war planning. With flags hanging from the walls, and a table in the middle with a map pinned to it. There were different coloured flags in the different areas, signalling the different territories I suppose.

Erebus looked up from intensely scanning the map to grin at me evilly. He nodded to Bjorn to dismiss him after he had pulled me over to himself. Bjorn gave me a sorrowful look, before bowing his head slightly and moving out of the room again.

"Now you've seen them, we can have a civilised discussion." He said, pacing back around to the other side of the table, leaning his hands on it.

"I'll be civil to you when you are." I spat, glaring at him.

"I am." He growled, "I think you'll find I wouldn't have this much patience with most people."

"That's not what I mean." I scowled, "If your idea of civil is how you're treating Harry then I'm surprised this place hasn't already fallen apart."

"Your childishness is really starting to get on my nerves." He warned, "You realise you aren't that important anymore."

"Oh please, you know you need me to get anything out of them." I scoffed,

"And how human do they seem right now?" He smirked, "Besides, we got all the information we need out of them a while ago, we used you as an incentive to get them talking. Now we have what we need, and since we can't get anything else out of them, you don't have any more use on that front."

"Why don't you just kill me then and get it over with? It isn't like Harry knows who I am any more." I sighed,

"Because I need a queen." He grinned, "And I think you'd be perfect."

"You've said, but didn't you say you told your people that it was partially my fault that your son is dead?" I crossed my arms, "so they'd hate me anyway."

"Not if you were with me." He said, moved closer to me again, "And since they do think that, you can't leave without my help. If anyone saw you, they would surely kill you on sight."

I was silent again, thinking over everything he just said. He looking down at the map again, tracing his fingers over the borders of the different countries.

"This one is the vampires kingdom," He mumbled, pointing to one of the biggest countries.

"And this one's ours." He said, pointing the other biggest country, situated right next to it.

"Where's earth on this map?" I asked carefully.

"Over in this direction." He replied, waving over to the eastern side of the map. "Why are you so interested all of a sudden?"

"Well I might as well know a bit about it, I'm stuck here after all." I huffed,

"Don't see it as being stuck here." He said, pulling me into his side as I tried to wriggle out of his grip. "See it as, promotion."

"And here I was thinking that promotion meant something good. Oh silly me(!)" I rolled my eyes.

"How could ruling over an entire empire be a bad thing?" He laughed,

"Well it's your empire for a start..." I started, before he silenced me by talking himself,

"You don't have a choice in the matter, I won't let you go. You will be with me forever." He smirked darkly,

"One slight fault in your plan," I pointed out, "I'm human, I will die eventually."

"I will make you a Dark Angel." He looked directly at me, "We are eternal."

"Well you can't make me love you." I snarled.

"Actually I can." He grinned,

"You see this necklace," He held up the jewellery that hung around his neck, "I can enchant one of these that can not only transform you into one of us, but make you unspeakably and desperately in love with me."

"You can't break me." I growled, "No matter how hard you try, I will always fight you. I will always hate you."

"Bjorn!" Erebus called, soon to be answered by Bjorn coming into the room obediently.

"Yes, your majesty?" He bowed in submission.

"Take her to the dungeon, wait for me when you're there. She needs to learn some respect."

Bjorn grabbed me roughly, in a vast contrast to how he'd been behaving recently, taking me back out the room again. But not before I said one last thing,

"You can't break me, you'll never break me."


This Isn't Real {Vampire Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now