51. It's Time

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I woke up suddenly, as I felt a painful pinch in my stomach, waking up Harry with a grunt at the same time as I jolted.

"What's wrong?" He asked gruffly, sweeping his hair from his eyes as they slowly opened.

"My stomach hurts." I huffed, rubbing my eyes.

"We'll get you a drink soon then," He sighed, before flopping back onto his pillow, "Just go back to sleep."

Harry reached out to pull me back down again, groaning as I tried to pull against him.

"I hate your new powers." He huffed, "You can fight back now, it's not fair."

I laughed, lying down again as he rested his arm around my middle and pulled me into him. He started playing with strands of my hair, wrapping bits around his fingers and pulling lightly. His fingers softly massaged my scalp, making me close my eyes and push back against his hand, almost like a kitten. I turned around and looked at him lovingly, reaching around to the back of his neck and playing with the short hair at the nape of his neck, making him sigh in content.

"You're too cute." I giggled, "Like a little fluffy puppy." He smiled, but soon turned serious.

"We need to get ready." He said, "It's almost time."

"Well I'm thirsty as hell; I'm going for a drink." I laughed, getting up out of bed quicker than Harry could hold me back.

He followed me out of bed quickly, and we both got dressed at lightning speed. I dashed downstairs to where I remember I had drunk from Marcel the previous day, hoping that I could find so, someone else I could drink from again. I barged through the doors, taking a deep breath and licking my lips as the scent of blood hit me. I looked around desperately and latched onto the first person I saw. Just as I felt my hunger starting to fade away, I was ripped away from the blood slave, turning around and growling at the man behind me. Liam.

"Calm down there, love." He laughed, waving away the person who I had drank from, who was now holding his neck and glaring at me.

I huffed, wiping my mouth as Liam took me into the next room, where everyone was getting kitted up with armour and weapons alike. When I looked up, I saw the other boys, except for Harry, getting themselves ready and taking a few swings with their swords and battle-axes.

I was about to ask where Harry was, when Liam told me he had come down and gotten ready whilst I was 'having a drink'. Then he called over some servants, who brought over some armour for me. They dressed me in the armour, and handed me a golden bow and quiver of arrows. I was also given a dagger which attached to my belt, and a veil of blood, in case I got thirsty half way through. Handy.

"Get yourself out to the stables and find Harry." Liam said, pointing towards the door. "He asked for you to join when you were done."

I nodded, walking out the castle as I attached the quiver to my back along with my bow (Just kinda imagine how Legolas carries his. Yeah, like that), catching sight of him, along with Gaia and Ares. They were also kitted up with armour, resembling the kind of horse you'd see back in the Middle Ages. He didn't look up as he adjusted the straps on the saddle and armour, which shone brilliantly in the morning light. He called one of the other knights over, who nodded and led Ares away, and suddenly he saw me. He smiled and waved as he smoothed his hair back. I walked over and hugged him in greeting before I started talking to him.

"Why do we have to look like medieval knights when we fight?" I laughed, looking down at the armour I was wearing.

"Protection." He chuckled, "They use knives and daggers and stuff, so there's no point kitting up like the soldiers you'd find in Afghanistan. They’re protected more against bullets than knives."

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