2. A New Place

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His eyes seemed to hypnotise me. Once I looked into them, I couldn't look away. His iris' swirled and turned into a bright golden colour before he spoke again.

"Sit still, baby. It'll be okay."

I found myself unable to move, and was compelled to listen to the man's words. I instantly relaxed, surprised by how efficient his words were at calming me. I lay on my back on my bed as he leant towards my neck, his hot breath against my neck slowing my heartbeat down. He smirked knowing the effect he had on me.

"Don't move. You're alright."

As he continued to move towards my neck, I just stared forward to the ceiling. He kissed my neck in several different places before he stayed in one spot near the base of my neck over my jugular vein. My heartbeat suddenly sped up again, to a point where I could feel my chest thumping dramatically as a result of my frantic heart. I suddenly felt something sharp pushing into my neck before a terrible burning feeling burst from my neck. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. His curls tickled my face as he continued to bite my neck. I felt dreadful after a while, and he seemed to know that, as he brought his hand up held onto my hand, almost soothingly. It was difficult to keep my eyes open as he did so, and eventually I closed my eyes.

The last thing I saw were his captivating golden eyes.


I woke up in a strange room. All the windows were covered by blinds, with only a small bit of light escaping from the sides. The whole room was dimly lit, as there were no lights on in the room, and all the windows being covered. I got out of bed, holding my head, which was thumping painfully. I realised I was still in my jeans and t-shirt that I was in when I as at home. Oh yeah. That boy did something, he must be the reason that I'm here.

I saw a door that as letting light in in the corner of the room. As I made my way towards it, I found out that it was a bathroom. A mirror stretched across half of the wall on the opposite side. I gasped at the sight of myself. I had blood running down my shirt on the right side of my neck. I felt my neck to assess what damage had been done, before quickly pulling away at the sharp pain that came from touching 2 bruised puncture wounds on my neck. He must've bitten me, but how did he do that much damage?

I returned and sat back on the bed, only to be greeted by another new face. This new face had blond hair, styled straight up. He wore a white t-shirt and loose dark blue jeans.

"Hi there," he spoke in a thick Irish accent, "You're Kate, right?"

I nodded in response, before crossing my legs and sitting down carefully in the middle of the bed.

"I'm Niall by the way," he said, as he held out his hand for me to shake with a friendly smile on his face.

I shook his hand and returned his smile,

"Harry'll be back soon, so stay in here if you don't want to get in trouble with him."

"Who's Harry?" I questioned, Niall's eyes widening,

"Harry's the person who brought you here, didn't he introduce himself?"

"Apparently not..." I said rolling my eyes

"Well," Niall began, "He's the one that left that stain on your shirt. He's quite a sloppy eater. Anyway he just told me to keep an eye on you to make sure you 'don't do anything you'll regret' as he describes it."

I went to ask him what sort of things he had in mind when the door swung open to reveal none other than Mr. Kidnapper himself, 'Harry' apparently. I got up quickly and stomped over to demand an explanation from him as to why I suddenly went from my house to this strange room.

"You're here because I didn't want to leave you on your own after what happened," Harry said flatly, "Sit down."

I stopped suddenly, realising I hadn't actually asked him why I was here when he had answered me, I sat there dumbstruck. Niall looked over to Harry and chuckled,

"She hasn't even been here for 1 day, and you're already scaring her with your gifts," he scoffed. My head shot up to stare at Niall at the mention of 'gifts', what did he mean by that?

"I'll explain later." Harry said, once again seemingly invading my thoughts.

"Stop it! You're freaking me out!" I said, covering my ears as Harry laughed, that stupid smirk returning once again to his lips. How I wished to slap it right off his face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, love." Harry said, whilst leaning up against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Dude, I get it, you can 'read minds'." I retorted, "How is that even possible?"

Harry walked over to the bed, took my hand and dragged my out of the room without another word, with Niall following.

Another re-done chapter, hope it's at least slightly better :)

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