28. Evolved Friendships

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It has been a few days since all the action died down, and finally everything seems peaceful. There's nothing for me to worry about anymore with him gone, and all the boys are just as happy as ever.

That is except for Harry.

We haven't really spoken since the day I was controlled into saying those insulting things to him, and I understand that he would need to cool down after that. But it's been 3 days, I would have thought that we would be on speaking terms by now. Of course though he wasn't going to give in that easy.

During this time I have become better friends with Zayn, after he was the one who saved me really from that place. Sort of. He was the first one I saw. Before we would barely even acknowledge each other as we passed one another throughout the day, but now we'll have random conversation about nothing in particular, which usually includes me complementing him on pulling off the rescue so well.

In other news Niall has also seemed more quiet, I'm thinking it's because he partially believes what I said to him before, about 'not actually loving him'. I've tried to explain to him that it wasn't me saying it, but he insists that, in his words,

"You must have had it in you since you said it with such conviction."

Even though we're still friends, he doesn't try anything like he used to, and even though I enjoyed our time together, I'm glad I can take a break and relax after everything that's happened. Some days I just flop in the living room all day, occasionally talking to Zayn, Louis or Liam if they walk in, and giving Harry and Niall awkward looks if they do.

I have missed mine and Harry's interactions, and I can tell he knows that, since everytime he looks and me, his face turns serious and you can tell he's thinking really hard. I don't know what he's planning, I'm kinda excited to find out.


It was just another one of those days where I wandered about the garden looking at the different flowers. It was great to not have to worry about Dark Angels anymore, and just be able to spread my wings. Bad joke? Right.

If you looked at the garden from the back door, you would see a low stone wall enclosing the u-shaped garden, with the left and right sides lined with flower beds. Roses, tulips, you name it, it was there. There were also a few trees dotted around, over all it was a lovely sight to have in your back garden.

On this particular day, I was sitting on the wall facing out into the world, my legs dangling over the edge as I scanned the scenery.

"Can I join you?"

Now there's a voice I didn't think I'd hear again. Harry.

"Um...Sure...If you want." I shrugged without turning to look at him.

I saw him swinging his legs over the wall and sit down next to me. He was looking down at his hands that were placed in his lap. After a while he looked up at me.

"Are you ok? I haven't talked to you in a while." He mumbled hoarsely, as if he hadn't talked in ages.

"Yeah, I'm glad it's finally calmed down around here eh?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah.." He laughed a bit at the end.

It took be by surprise when he took my hands suddenly, making me look up at him.

"I've been worried about you, love." He said seriously as I gazed into his green eyes, which were started to glaze over with purple.

"Why? Hakon's been dealt with. There's nothing to worry about anymore." I smiled at him comfortingly.

"It isn't that." He looked back down at our hands again, before looking up again. "You haven't been talking to me like you usually do."

"You weren't trying to talk to me, I assumed you were still angry about before." I said, referring back to when Hakon had been controlling me.

He looked back down again and sighed. I heard him mumble something, but I wasn't sure what he said. It sounded like,

"You don't realise how much I care about you."

I didn't ask as I thought I wise not to agrivate him anymore.

"Don't you need to go hunting soon? I haven't seen you drink in a while." I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah we do. We've run out of the blood bags we kept downstairs." He nodded.

This was the first I had heard of them having blood stored in the house, but I wasn't complaining, since they weren't drinking from me, and they weren't hurting anyone else. I didn't think much else of it, and just nodded to confirm that I had been listening.

"Do you still like me?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly at the end,

"Of course, Harry." I declared, "It's just we haven't had much time together recently."

"Well I'll change that soon." He smirked. There we go, the old Harry's back, officially.

"Drink something first." I pleaded, squeezing his hands to emphasize my point. "Please, I don't want you flipping out on me."

"Ok, don't worry, darling. I go with the boys now. Who do you want to stay with you?" His eyes lit up in hope that I would pick him.

It was cute really, but he really needed to drink. I could tell by the way his eyes were gradually turning red.

"Um, who drank last?" I questioned,

"I think Zayn had the last blood bag." Harry said, walking back to the house with me in tow.

"Alright then, the rest of you go out first." I nodded toward the forest behind us.

"Are you sure you're ok with Zayn?" He turned back to ask me seriously, "I'll stay back if you want."

"I'm fine if you need to go out, Harry." I laughed at his concern.

"Ok then.." He pursed his lips into a straight line in thought.


Soon the boys had left, and I was left alone with Zayn. I was chilling in the living room, lying on my back on the sofa and just fiddling with my fingers.

I looked up as I heard Zayn whoosh into the room and end up at the end of the sofa. He was smirking.

"Whoa, bro. Never seen you smirking before. What d'ya what?" I moved toward him and giggled at his expression.

"Well, the boys have left..." He started, "And here we are.."

"Oh Zayn, you are not subtle at all are you?" I laughed, "Plus you know Harry would murder you." 

"I'm willing to take that chance." He climbed over the arm of the sofa and hovered over me.

At that point we both became a bit more serious, I think at that point we only just realised what we were doing. Even though I knew how dodgy it was to do this with Zayn right after I had made up with Harry, I couldn't resist his charms. He could probably tell what I was thinking by my face.

"Come 'ere you." I giggled, pulling him toward me by his neck.

He laughed with me before we actually kissed. Whoa. He was gooood. It reminded me of how Niall kissed, but Zayn was less gentle, but equally as good.

I heard his breaths get a bit quicker and heavier as we carried on, me moving my fingers gently through his hair. Even though he doesn't usually like me playing with his hair, at this point he moaned slightly in approval.

I decided I should put a stop to this before it gets too out of hand and before the boys get back, so I pushed softly against his chest. Thankfully he got the message, and backed away. We just sat there smiling at each other before he sat down on the other side of the sofa whilst I sat up and leaned against the arm of the chair.

That's when the boys got back. Thankfully they all looked content, even Harry. Well at least things are going well for once.


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