33. Before the Storm

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Brilliant. Now we have someone on the inside, even though Harry isn't exactly happy with it. Bjorn was only trying to help, but I can understand why he's a bit on edge with having a Dark Angel in the house. I talked to him after the boys had left to feed and replenish the supply of blood bags they kept in the basement. We were sitting on the sofa as he told me that he had never agreed with what Hakon and the rest of the race had been planning, and had always thought that he would stand against them so that he could stop the constant fighting between Dark Angels and the rest of the world.

He explained that since he was a Dark Angel, he could find out information on their next moves, and could warn us before they came within a dangerous proximity of us.

"But you realise that there's no way Harry's ever going to trust you." I looked up to him,

"I know, but I want to make sure that Erebus can't get to you." He shrugged, "You may not believe it, but I actually do care for you."

"I don't see who 5 vampires and one dark angel can take on the whole dark angel race." I chuckled, even though there was no humour in my voice,

"We'll have to find a way." He sighed, "We haven't really got a choice."

I crossed my arms and threw my head back and groaning in frustration. He laughed, but suddenly he stopped and his facial expression turned serious as he turned his body towards me some more.

"Hey, um, Kate?" He asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead." He smiled comfortingly.

"Back at the house." He started, speaking slowly and cautiously, "When we...you know..."

"Yeah?" I frowned in confusion,

"Why?" He spoke quieter this time.

"I don't know," I breathed, "Just in the moment I guess. I was quite scared, and you were the only one who seemed to be there for me, and you also said you were going to help me escape. I guess I was just thankful."

"But why would you do it if you didn't feel anything."

"I don't know. Maybe I did feel something."

"So you did?"

"But I can't feel like that anymore." I fiddled with my hands in my lap, "I have Harry now."

"Well I'll be here for you, if you need anything." He smiled.

Just as I was about to reply, the door swung open, and in stormed an angry Harry, with dried blood running down his shirt and some around the corner of his mouth. He turned on me, his eyes unusually red, considering he had only just fed.

"Kitchen, now." He growled at me, his breathing was heavy, almost dog-like.

I looked quickly between Bjorn and Harry, slowly getting up from my place on the sofa as I did so. I shuffled my feet over to Harry, he grabbed my waist harshly as I reached him and pushed me in front of him towards the kitchen.


Once he got there, he slammed the door shut and locked it, storming over to me with his fangs visible over his bottom lip.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly, trying to comfort him by holding onto his arms, but he quickly shook me off.

"Don't give me that." He spat, "I heard the conversation you and Bjorn had."

"What?" I whispered in disbelief, "How did you-"

"We came back when I heard you two talking." He stood at his full looming height in front of me.

"When did you stop listening?"

"After you said you felt something towards him."

"One, I never said that, I said I 'might have', and secondly, you didn't stay long enough for me to say 'I have Harry now'." I hissed furiously, "How about you get your facts straight before you confront me?"

I watched as his eyes suddenly drained of any trace of red and was soon replaced with a mixture of purple and green.

"I-I'm sorry..." His voice suddenly became quieter, "I should've listened to you."

"Harry you need to chill or something. You have to understand that I wouldn't do anything like that to you, and that Bjorn wouldn't do that whilst you're around." I smiled comfortingly at him, holding his hand.

"Ok, sweetheart. I just need to talk to Bjorn, how about you get to bed and I'll join you soon, ok?" He returned me smile and squeezed my hands.

I nodded and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, but of course, being the sneaky bastard he is, he moved his head around to catch my lips instead. I pulled away to see that stupid smirk on his face as usual. At least I know that he's back to normal again. I giggled and turned around to walk up the stairs to our room.

Once I reached our room, I heard raised voices downstairs, assuming that it was Harry 'talking' to Bjorn. There isn't much point in trying to stop it, since usually when I get involved with things like this, it gets 10x worse. I got changed into some of the pyjamas that they had bought me before, with the words 'Always a reason to smile' written across the front. I got into the bed, just as footsteps were entering the room. I smiled as I felt him get into the bed, and throw an arm around my waist and pull me into his hard, shirtless chest. He nuzzled his face into my neck and took a deep breath in, sighing into my neck as I gradually fell asleep to the soothing feeling of his chest slowly rising and falling against my back.


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