40. So It Begins

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Looking out of the only window in my room, I gasped. I watched in horror as the armies assembled outside, hundreds upon hundreds of angry Angels. Wings spread, weapons sharpened, organised into ranks. In the front were rows of horse-back soldiers, the horses stamped and eyes glowing red as their armour rattled with their movements. The soldiers themselves held long black war axes, clad in heavy black armour, spiked at the shoulders.

Behind them, were the foot soldiers. They too wore head to toe black chain mail armour, their body armour allowing their wings to spread behind them and flap threateningly. They were examining their swords and shields, using their magic to sharpen them.

I looked to the front to see Mr. High and Mighty himself, Erebus. He too was sat on top on an ebony coated horse, both wore extravagantly curved armour, which clinked as he marched up and down the ranks. He briefly looked up and caught my eye, winking before a servant handed him his helmet, which he swiftly put on.

I turned around when I heard someone opening the door, and turned to see Bjorn. I turned back and looked down, crossing my arms.

"Come on, now." He tried to calm me, "I need to take you else where so we can keep an eye on you."

He tried to turn me around by my wrist, but I harshly pulled it back before punching him in the stomach, making him grunt.

"I'm trying to help you." He huffed,

"Since you handed me over, I haven't exactly trusted you." I snarled, "So get out."

"You can see Harry again if you come with me..." He offered, making me turn around.

"But even if I do, he would be just like he was before." I whispered, feeling the urge to cry building up.

"You really care about him don't you?" He said, this time successfully turning me around.

I looked at my feet, nodding carefully with tears slowly falling down my face. My breath became shaky, and my lip quivered. Bjorn, seeing, that I was in fact in no mood to be coddled by him, just cautiously held his hand out again, in an attempt to get me to go with him. Realising that I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, I dragged my feet after him as he held the door open for me.


Another guard stopped us in the corridor, putting a hand on Bjorn's shoulder to get his attention.

"I've been instructed to take care of her during this time." He said rather officially, "You may go now."

He didn't respond, he only gave my a sorrowful parting glance, before turning back on himself and walking back down the way we just came. The new guard nodded for me to follow him, his eyes turning black for a second before I nodded in submission.

He led me past the throne room, into a master bedroom. It must have been Erebus', as the bed was enormous, with golden posts at each corner, and black silk sheets and covers. The eerie light shone in from the windows that were partially covered by dark curtains. Wow, big fans of black around here.

He closed the door behind him as I sat on the bed, stroking over the covers gently.

"The King has ordered for you to be kept in here until he returns after the war has been won." He told me, "He also has ordered a maid to come and clean your room, feed you, and help you get ready everyday. He wishes for you to be treated as a royal, as he wants you to get used to living here like you will in the future."

Before I could fight back with some comment about how I would never live here happily, he had left the room and slammed the door so the sound boomed around the room. The sound of men shouting and horses calling out gradually faded, as they disappeared over the horizon, at which point I was left in silence.

Something about the silence reminded me of how hopeless all of this seemed, trying to escape would be like trying to escape Alcatraz. With guards at each door, there's no way I could even sneeze without someone being there to give me a tissue. I burst into tears, thoughts of Harry clouding my mind. The image of him snarling and snapping at me, his bloodshot eyes burning into me, his desperate attempts to claw and bite me.

He seemed to symbolise something to me. How eventually if you're given too much power and you can't fuel it in time, everything collapses.

I held my breath to stop my crying, and in the process, heard a familiar noise. A kind of animalistic panting, rough and heavy. I brought my face out of my hands, soaked with tears. But they were no longer tears of sadness, but of relief.

I jumped off the bed to hug my loyal companion that I hadn't seen in so long. Zeus.

He whined happily, his tail wagging furiously as he jumped up to lick my face as I knelt down to his level. He rested his paws on my shoulders licking me all over my face.

"Hey, Zeusie!" I sniffled through my tears, wrapping my arms around his body, "How did you get here?"

He gave me a look, which I understood as, 'remember how I got in last time?' reminding me that he used portals to get around. It still confused me how he couldn't have arrived any sooner, but I suppose I'll never know.

He suddenly whipped his head around to look at the door as footsteps were heard outside. He scrambled to hide under the bed, laying as still as he possibly could when he got underneath.

I watched as the the handle turned, opening the door to reveal a thin women, carrying a tray with a few cups on it. Immediately, I noticed she didn't have any wings. She must be a human servant. She smiled at me as she walked in, placing the tray down on the drawers near the door, before speaking.

"I'm Miss Mason, your maid. His majesty sent for me to tend to you, madam?" She asked politely.

"I believe so, but I don't need a maid." I smiled sympathetically at her,

"Oh but if the King as willed it, I must serve you, madam. Or risk punishment." Her eyes flashed with fear when she mentioned punishment, so I decided not to bring it up.

As she was laying out the cups and pots on the bedside table, I sat on the end of the bed, aware that Zeus was still under there.

"How long have you worked for him?" I asked suddenly.

"Since I was 16, madam." She replied casually, "And now I'm going on 24. But I enjoy working for him..."

She seemed unsure about the last thing she had said, but I'm sure she couldn't say anything bad about him without being punished, so I moved on.

"Have you ever considered escaping?" I said, my question making her turn around completely.

"I would never even think about leaving, I can't." She answered, whispering her last sentence.

"If you help me escape, I could help you escape with me." I offered, "we could free Harry and the boys, help them restore their kingdom. We could make the Dark Angels fall, we could-"

"If they hear you, you'll get punished, madam!" She warned, looking around nervously. "Please be careful."

"But we can't just sit around waiting for someone to help us. It's not going to happen." I sighed.

Before she could respond, a guard ran into the room, grabbing onto my arm and dragging me out of the room. Miss Mason shot my a worried look as the door was closed.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?" I asked angrily, "Erebus wanted me to stay in there."

Without turning around, he muttered quietly,

"We need to get you out of the castle. The vampires have escaped."


Finally! I got my Wattpad to work! I've trying for the last couple of days to upload this chapter, and been so annoyed when I couldn't. I was so excited for you to read this chapter, so hopefully you enjoyed it!

Unedited, sorry :(

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