30. Repercussions

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I woke up in mine and Harry's bed back at the house, the lights turned off, the door closed, and the window letting in a soft, gentle breeze. I turned over to see Harry, curled up in a ball and occasionally scrunching his nose up, prbably because of a dream he was having. I giggled quietly, before moving my hand over to his hair, stroking it carefully, trying to calm him down. His face instantly softened and he let his body relax. It seemed strange to me how even in his sleep I could calm him down, but it was cute.

I pulled my hand back to my body once he seemed calm and relaxed again. I started thinking again. That's never a good thing, I usually think too much and I overthink things, but oh well, sometimes I just need to.

I thought about how all the times before when I would silent curse about how much I hated Harry and the boys, but how quickly that changed into me falling head over heels in love with Niall, whilst Harry insisted on keeping me for himself. And then of course, the Dark Angels. But since thats been dealt with, I don't have to watch out for anything that moves now. Even though that's all played out now though, Zayn and I have gotten 'closer' and that could spin things off on an even worse tangent than before. I just have to hope and pray that this doesn't get too out of hand.

I came back out of my deep thought and looked lovingly down at Harry. I shuffled over to him again, draping his arm over my waist. His arm tensed and he pulled me into him for comfort. I sighed in content before falling asleep in Harry's arms for the second time in 24 hours.


"Wakey wakey, darling." A hoarse morning voice sounded in my ear, as a large hand shook my shoulder gently,

"Ugh no. Sleepy sleepy." I grumbled, pulling the covers over me again and hiding away.

"Fine, no bacon for you." He chuckled as the bed moved with his weight leaving it.

"Don't think you can get me out of bed by tempting me with food." I said as I turned around to face him, squinting as he opened the curtains.

"I'm not kidding though, if you don't get up now, Niall will eat yours." Harry strolled out of the rom in just his boxers,

I stretched and groaned at the stiffness of my entire body, hearing a few cracks from my spine. Gross. But the real question was, should I believe him and get up, or just go back to sleep? I'm not going to risk good bacon. Fine, I'm getting up.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up to receive another cacophony of cracks and snaps from my legs and back. Jesus, am I made of toothpicks?


I shambled down the hallway slowly, bumping into things in my half-asleep state, before rounding the corner and the smell of bacon cooking hit me. So Harry wasn't lying. Brilliant.

"Hey, I have risen." I mumbled, before slumping onto one of the chairs at the dining table,

"She lives!" Harry spins around, clapping his hands in mock excitement,

"Oh shut it, Harry" I laughed, and walked over to watch him.

I stood next to him and hugged the arm he was holding the pan handle with, and looking up to his face.

"I just wanted to say thanks for yesterday, Harry" I smiled, hugging his arm tighter as I said it, "I loved it, you can be really cute sometimes."

"Yeah....well." Harry shrugged smugly, "I am fantastic. You may refer to me as Captain Smooth Moves."

"Um, I think I'll still call you Harry, darling." I pinched his cheek before walking back over to the table.

"Hey, who's the one making you breakfast?" He chuckled, flipping the bacon over before putting some bread in the toaster.

"You?" I said questioningly, smirking when he sighed in frustration. That was, until he smirked back at me, making me suddenly worry for my safety.

"You realise I could just call Niall in right?" He smirked devilishly,

"I wouldn't do that if you want to ever be kissed again..." I retorted, standing up from the table again.

"Well if that's the deal, then I believe you will need to convince me not to..." He turned off the heat and swirled around to me, pulling me toward him by my waist.

I giggled like a little girl before placing my hands on his chest and kissing his nose.

"Nope, that's not going to cut it." He smirked again,

I kissed his cheek,

"Hmm, getting there, but I'm not sure what you mean just yet..."

I kissed the corner of his mouth,

"I think I get it, just one more time just to make sure."

I leaned in towards him, not actually kissing him, but close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Let's see if I understand." He whispered cheekily, before moving forward and kissing me before I could get away.

He pulled me in closer by the small of my back as he kept kissing me, as I moved my hands up around his neck to in turn pull him closer. He swiftly moved from my lips to my jaw and then proceeded to my neck, where he nipped at it and my earlobe. To say I wasn't enjoying it would be a lie.

He pulled back with a cocky smirk on his face,

"Well?" He asked smugly,

"Yeah, I would say you know what you're doing." I poked his nose, and walked over to the toaster and brought the two bits back, popping them down on the counter.

Harry was still smiling giddily as he took the bacon out and put it on the bread, handing me a sandwich and taking his own.


After we had eaten, I had gone back to our room and gotten changed into some suitable clothes for the day, and helped Harry in waking up the other boys.

It had all gone to plan until I got to Zayn's room.

I knocked on the door to see if he was awake, and when I got no reply, I walked in. He was still curled up in bed, his breathing slow and steady. I sat down next to him and shook his shoulder lightly,

"Zayn, Zaaayyn." I whispered, trying to get him to wake up gently,

"Whaaaatt?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes and once he opened them, his expression changed completely, "Oh, Kate. Sorry I thought one of the boys would wake me up."

"Don't worry, I just thought I'd wake you up rather than Louis." I giggled.

Just as I turned to leave, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down.

"No, stay." He grumbled in his deep morning voice.

"Why do you need me to stay?" I laughed kind of uncomfortably, thinking about what had happened between me and Harry before hand.

Before answering, he just grabbed my other wrist and pulled me over so I was straddling him,

"Because I like being woken up by you." He smirked,

"No, Zayn. I need to go, but if you want to talk, get up and come and see me." I said rather sternly before getting up of the bed and walking out the door again.


Well that was weird, considering that I thought Zayn understood the relationship I had with Harry. Oh well, that'll just be another problem that'll have to sort itself out.

Suddenly I felt a sharp, crippling pain in my back, causing me to hiss and bend over backwards and land on the floor. Harry and Zayn were at my side in record time, panicking over want they were supposed to do. Just as the pain got to its worst, suddenly it all went and time seemed to slow down. Everything seemed ok once more, until I heard it,

"You'll pay for what you've done."


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