Chapter One.

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"John!" Y/N smiled as she saw him walk across the street towards her. He opened up his arms and brought Y/N into a hug.

"Y/N, it's been a little bit too long!" He smiled. He let her go and kept his hands on her shoulders. He studied her for a few seconds, searched her body for any possible symptoms of any disease, whether it's a mental one, or a physical one.

"It's been a month John, not that long!" She smiled. He took his hands from her shoulders and put them in his coat pockets.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Dreading this. How about you?" Y/N replied.

"Trying to put this off." He agreed.

The two of them were currently on Baker Street, outside 221 to be precise. Mrs Hudson had asked the two, to return sometime this month to see her. She also wanted you to help tidy the flat.

"Shall we?" Y/N asked as she stepped aside, allowing John to knock on the door. John took her hand for reassurment. The door swung open and revealed Mrs Hudson. Her face lit up as she realised who we were.

"Come in, come in!" She said with so much excitement, you'd mistake her for a small child at Christmas.

Y/N took off her jacket and hung it up, John done the same. It was an automatic reaction, she couldn't help it as it felt the natural thing to do. Mrs Hudson went straight into her kitchen, the sound of a kettle click to boil soon followed. Y/N and John both walked along towards Mrs H's kitchen. They then both sat down at the little table.

"Doctor Watson and Y/N back in the famous flat!" She exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been back sooner Mrs H. I've been a little bit busy, I've just bought a new house." Y/N lied, she'd had the house for a while now.

"Aw, how lovely, and you John?" She asked. She thought John was gay from the moment they met, but when Sherlock died she thought Y/N would become Mrs Watson. Mrs H obviously knew that Y/N was lying as she gave her the look.

"I'm engaged, she's wonderful!" He answered.

"She?" Mrs Hudson asked in shock.

"For the last time, I AM NOT GAY!" He replied.

"Have you found yourself a nice man yet Y/N?" She ignored John.

"No, I'm not ready for that."

"Still not over him?" She asked. She put three cups on the table. She then poured tea in to each of them and waited for her response.

"No, I'm not." Y/N replied.

She added two sugar cubes and a dash of milk to your cup and put a spoon in the tea. She pushed it across to her.

"It's a hard thing to get over." She sighed. She added milk to John's cup and placed a biscuit next to it, she pushed it to him. She then made her own and sat opposite Y/N.

"I'm nearly there though." She smiled.

"At least you had John." She smiled, she seemed very excited.

"God knows what I would've done without John." Y/N replied.

"Well, that's something we don't wish to find out."  Mrs Hudson replied.

The three of them sat there for an hour before they decided it was time to go upstairs.

Y/N walked out of Mrs Hudson's flat and up the stairs, they creaked as she went up. The sound was too familiar, she could walk around this flat without making any noise. Y/N knew when it was awake. John was close behind her, she reached to open the wooden door leading into the living room, but hesitated. She seemed to not be able to open it, like something was stopping her.

John must have realised, so he stepped in front and opened it slowly, as if they were about to reveal Sherlock sitting in his chair. They held their breath as they saw nothing. They all crept inside, looking around the room, everything was how they'd left it.

Mrs Hudson waltzed through and opened the curtains.

"He never liked dusting." She mumbled.

Y/N gulped as she saw his chair, she decided to look somewhere else, but everything was so Sherlock. Everything remained the same here, as if it were a snapshot of the past. She looked over to the wall and saw the yellow smiley face.

John seemed to be thinking, he was doing the same as Y/N. He glanced over to her and gave a sympathetic smile. She could see this was getting to him.

"I'll give you two a minute." Mrs Hudson said, she left the flat and went back downstairs.

Y/N looked at John. She didn't see the man he was today, but the man he was two years ago. The man who believed even she could be a hero, not just some reporter trying to get a story. He seemed old now, he looked tired.

Y/N walked over to him and embraced him in a hug. She started to cry, she sniffed as  he held you for a minute or two before she broke away. His eyes mirrored hers.

"I've been dying to ask you a question." She smiled, trying to brighten the mood. "Are you keeping that?" She pointed to the moustache.

"Yea." He smiled. He gave a small laugh before taking a deep breath. "About my engagement," He paused. "How would one best go about it?"

"You haven't proposed yet?!" She exclaimed.

John gave you a look that said 'Don't even start'.

"Take her to a nice restaurant and go for it!" Y/N suggested.

"How should I ask?"

"Make a little speech, don't let anyone distract you. If she looks uncomfortable, abort the mission and wait for another opportunity." Y/N advises.

"Right, thanks for those great words!" He replied sarcastically.

"Look here Watson, I'm not exactly one for love advice, I fell for the consulting detective, and look where that got me!"

"He fell for you too." He replied.

"He liked Irene. I shouldn't have made that move."

"That's bullshit, he didn't like Irene!" He replied. John sat down in his chair. He done this without any thought.

For the first time in ages, 221B felt like home again. Y/N joined John, and sat in her chair and continued to bicker about anything and everything. They both lost themselves in time, as they left this life and carried on with their old one.

John forgot he was meant be be back with Mary at 7, Y/N forgot she had to be at work at 6. They both stayed in 221B until the next morning.

Mrs Hudson woke the pair up, both in the chairs, feet up, blankets over you.

Like the good old days.

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