Chapter 13

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As soon as I got home, I started putting plan Save the Coffee Shop and Become Famous into action. First, I sat in my beanbag chair and went onto a website I hadn’t visited in months:  The purpose of Blog Me was pretty much for people to talk about their lives and either try to become popular, or just follow popular people and be a stalker without them knowing. 

At first I joined in my freshman year to try and give people some insight on my life as a visually impaired person.  My blog, which I named Blind Like Me, was supposed to be deep and insightful.  After about three weeks of just talking about my day and complaining about bullies, I realized that I wasn’t getting any followers besides Sarah and my mom, so I put the site on the back burner.    

After many failed attempts to remember my password, I logged in and moved my mouse around until the computer said, “create post.”  I clicked on the button and then the middle of the screen, hoping I was in the right area.  Then, without any thought, I typed, “GO TO THE COFFEE SHOP IN PLEASANT HILL PLAZA THIS SATURDAY.  I’M PLAYING AND IT WILL BE GREAT.” 

I crossed my fingers that I didn’t spell anything wrong and posted it to my feed.  Next was practice.  Since we didn’t have any definite songs, I just sat in the basement with my barely-together mallets and played the beats of See You Saturday over and over again.  Right when I was about to go upstairs, my phone started playing my guitar ringtone.  I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. 

“Hey,” Kurt said.  “So I’ve been thinking of some songs for this weekend.” 

“Okay, hit me,” I said. 

“Well I think we’re obviously going to do See You Saturday because it’s adorable and awesome.  But did you want to play something more modern too?” 

“I think you know the answer to that question.” 

  He gave me a disappointed sigh and said, “Which Rayvn song do you want?” 

“Oh, that’s an easy one,” I said.  “Plastic People has a really awesome drum solo that will make us look super impressive.  Have you heard that one?” 

“Not yet.  But I’ll go do that now.” 

I played the solo from Plastic People over and over again until midnight, only taking a break for dinner.  After that I took some time to have the computer read me the notes for the Living Brighter quiz and finally went to bed around three. 

The next morning, Sarah was waiting by my locker when I walked in.  When I smelled the area, Nathan was either not wearing his crappy spray or wasn’t there.  I reached my hand out to the area on both sides of Sarah.  She was alone. 

“Is everything okay?” I asked. 

“Lia, Nay-Nay is getting frustrated,” she said. 

I sighed, hoping to everything that she wasn’t actually calling Nathan such a stupid name.  Somehow, it just didn’t seem like it could’ve been anyone else. 

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