Chapter 21

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While I stood ad my locker on Monday, I heard a familiar walk getting closer.  It wasn’t Kurt though.  This person had a leather jacket, its zippers clanging with every step he took.  Sarah’s boots weren’t next to him.  Star moved closer to me. 

“Good morning Lia,” Nathan said to me.  I ignored him and slid my math textbook into my backpack.  “What?  I get to acknowledgement?”

I turned to him.  “Quite frankly I really don’t feel like talking to you.” 

“Well, what if I showed you this?” 

I heard his arm move, then smelled something warm and sweet from Hug-a-Mug: a donut.  However, if I was correct, this was not just any donut.  It was a CJM, or Cinnamon Jelly Monster, which was basically a half a jar of grape jelly wrapped up in a fluffy cinnamon sugar donut.  My mouth was watering already. 

“Is that a CJM?” 

“You bet,” he said.  “Sarah and I are getting more serious, and I know that we’ve had some issues in the past, so I wanted to get on better terms.”  He handed the donut to me.  I could feel it’s warms through the wrapper. “I hope you accept my apology Lia.” 

My eyes narrowed behind my sunglasses.  “You poisoned this.”

“What?  For God’s sake, I know I can be a dick sometimes but I’m not a killer!” he said.  “Just try it.” 

As I lifted the delicacy to my mouth, Kurt’s sneakers made their way down the hall.  He came right over and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. 

“Good morning beautiful,” he said, then paused.  “Oh, um, hi Nathan.” 

“Good morning Kurt.  How are you?” Nathan asked. 

"Pretty good.  Pretty good,” he said. 

I moved the donut closer to him.  “Nathan just gave me this.  He wants to be on better terms.” 

Kurt put his arm around me.  “Well, I guess that was nice of him.”   

“Just take a bite Lia,” Nathan said.  “Sarah always says you never eat breakfast on school days.  You must be starving.” 

I didn’t trust his voice, but took a small bite anyway.  My taste buds danced with euphoria as the sweet, melty cinnamon crystals rolled across my tongue.  I was careful not to get to the jelly.  After swallowing that first bite, I waited a few seconds.  It tasted fine.  Maybe Nathan was actually doing something nice for once?   

“It tastes really good,” I said, then took another bite. 

When I bit into the heavenly grape jelly, there was a crunch.  I took my teeth off of the donut, then stuck my finger into one of the holes that were just made.  I felt something hard and slippery.  I put my fingers around it and pulled it out.  The bottom of it felt kind of prickled.  By feeling, it seemed to be about the size of my thumb.  I held it up to Nathan, Kurt gasping as soon as he saw it. 

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