Knowing You're There: Re-Amped

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Hello readers, 

If you're seeing this, I'd like to first thank you for stopping by this story. I originally wrote this story allll the way back in 2011, rewrote it in 2014, and haven't touched it since. 

I'm here to announce a rewrite, coming in 2021. I'm calling this the KYT Re-Amped (rock star play on words) version. 

This story will be rewritten from the ground up, and will feature a few different things: 

-Ideally be expanded to 50k words so I'm eligible for Wattpad Stars

-Our favorite guide dog, Star, will not pass away! 

-All other characters will remain, but it'll have a teen pregnancy plot line like all my other popular stories

-I don't plan on doing any chapter-shifting, so all 50k words and new chapters will be published as a whole on a single release date

It's going to be a long road ahead of me, but no writing task is too big. To the few of you reading this: I'll see you over at the new story in 2021!  

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