Chapter 28

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The crowd cheered and clapped.  I did the same.  Sarah came back down to us a few moments later.  We all hugged and congratulated her.  I could smell the huge bouquet of flowers in her hand. 

“I just can’t believe we won,” she said, over and over again. 

Kurt kissed the top of my head and whispered, “It’s okay, sweetie.  There’s always next year.” 

I sighed, and the fast paced music started up again.  Then there was a bit of pressure on my bladder.  I as so caught up in getting ready for the dance that I forgot to go to the bathroom before leaving the house. 

“I have to pee,” I told Kurt. 

“Okay, do you want me to go with you?”

I nodded.  “Sure.” 

He held my hand and we left the gym.  Since the girls’ bathroom near the dance had a line, I went down the hall and around the corner to the one across from the band room.  That one had automatic sinks, anyway.  We stopped outside of the door and Kurt handed me my cane, which he was keeping inside of his suit jacket.  I kissed him and went inside. 

The moment I walked in, there was the slobbering of another couple.  I was going to turn right back around when I noticed the grunts of the guy.  He sounded familiar.  The girl he was with giggled as he kissed her. 

“You really know how to please a woman,” she said, practically out of breath. 

“You actually know how to give a guy what he wants,” the guy said. 

My hand clasped over my mouth.  The cane was slipping out of my sweaty palms.  I couldn’t catch it before it clattered to the floor.  The girl gasped. 

“Shit Nathan, someone’s in here!” she said. 

“I knew it was you!” I shouted.  “Just wait until I find Sarah!” 

I heard him muttering more profanities under his breath as he and the girl struggled to get their clothes back on.  My hands wrapped around the cane on the door, and I burst out of the bathroom into Kurt’s arms. 

“Nathan was in there!  He was kissing another girl!  We have to get Sarah!”  I pulled on him. 

“Are you sure?” Kurt said as I dragged him down the hallway. 

“I’m positive!  I heard his voice and the girl said his name!” 

The bathroom door opened down the hall.  Kurt and I ran faster.  It was like I didn’t care what obstacles were on the floor or what I was going to bang into.  I felt invincible as we made our way into the gym. 

“There she is!” Kurt said, and we ran over to our group. 

“Why are you guys so out of breath?” Maya asked. 

“It looks like you just ran a marathon,” Trevor said. 

“Because,” I panted.  “I went into the girls’ bathroom and I found Nathan!” 

Sarah laughed.  “Well yeah, he said he ate a burrito so obviously he didn’t want to do his business with all the other guys listening.” 

“No, that’s not what happened,” Kurt said.  “He was with a girl.” 

Our group was silent.  “What do you mean, a girl?” Sarah asked.

“I went in and I heard them making out in one of the stalls,” I said. 

“I have to go find him,” she said. 

“And we’ll all go with you,” Maxi said. 

The six of us followed Sarah out into the hallway.  Where I heard someone run over to her, which was obliviously Nathan. 

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