Chapter 23

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Just as I suspected, Nathan didn’t give me a formal apology the next morning.  Sarah stood in the background, practically feeding him every word.  We then proceeded to girl talk, at which Maya and Maxi barraged me about how and why I wasn’t at the lunch table the previous day.  I knew they were only doing it out of concern, but it was still irritating.  Kurt and Nathan only made it more awkward by not engaging in the conversation at all. 

Star lied on the floor during lunch, only eating a few pieces of her slice of un-crusted bread.  I pet her, still hoping that somehow, she was going to perk up and start being herself again, begging for a piece of my burger while her wagging tail tapped against the seat. 

Kurt worked quietly across the table from me in LRA.  The triangle packets were getting more and more difficult, so Aida sat with me the entire time.  When the last bell rang, she gave us all candy canes and told us to have a good break, and Kurt took my hand when we left the room. 

When I arrived at my locker, I opened my backpack and dumped almost every book in.  If I forgot something I needed for the mountains of homework over break, there would be no chance of getting back in.  As I checked and re-checked to make sure I had everything, Kurt whispered in my ear, “Let’s go to Burger Barn.” 

I smiled.  “I’m game.” 

“Perfect.  Your mom can just pick us up and you can leave Star—”

I backed away.  “What are you talking about?  We’ll just walk there now.” 

“Lia,” he said softly, “it’s freezing.  Do you really want to make Star walk all the way down there?” 

“She’ll be fine,” I said. 

“Fine?  You’ve practically been pulling her all day.” 

“She’s fine,” I said, wiping the tears that were starting to leak through my sunglasses. 

Kurt brought me into his arms.  “You need to start doing what’s best for her.  I know you don’t want to, but you have to.” 

I held him tighter, not even caring who saw me sobbing in the middle of the hallway.  “I just want her to get better Kurt.” 

“I know you do.”  He stroked my back.  “But she’s not going to.” 

I nodded, feeling the wetness of the sweatshirt on my face.  “It’s just really hard.” 

“I know.”  He kissed the top of my head.  “We should go eat something.  You stomach was growling the entire last period.” 

“Okay,” I said, wiping the tears and swinging my backpack over my shoulder. 

Reluctantly, I let Mom drive us down the street to Burger Barn and left Star to go back with her.  Kurt held onto me as we went up the steps and in through the ye-hawing front entrance.  I ordered a plate of Cowgirl Sliders and a side of extra-large Lasso Rings.  Kurt and his iron stomach went for another Jalapeno Bacon Ranger. 

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