Chapter 19

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Thursday I had to cancel practice with Kurt.  Since we were both behind on our homework, the plan was to get that done and then meet for rehearsal around seven.  I had to cancel after feeding Star her dinner.  After slowly nibbling on her large bowl of kibble and wet food, I heard her walk into the living room and throw it all up a few minutes later. 

While Dad was upset about the ruination of the area rug, I immediately called her vet.  One of the nurses said to take her off the heavy foods since her stomach could most likely no longer handle them.  Instead I was instructed to give her things like rice and bread, which are much less tasty but wouldn’t irritate her stomach as much. 

After getting of the phone with the vet, I called Kurt, hoping that he would understand.  He picked up on the second ring. 

"Hey sweetheart.  What’s up?” he said. 

I felt so guilty.  “I really can’t make it to rehearsal tonight.  I’m sorry.  I just can’t do it.” 


“She just threw up her entire dinner.  She barely even picked at her lunch today too,” I said. 

“I’m so sorry to hear that Lia.  I wish there was something I could do.” 

“You’re talking to me,” I said.  “That’s plenty.” 

"Okay.  So I’m guessing you just want to be with Star tonight?” he asked. 

“If that’s okay with you.” 

“What?  Lia, of course it’s okay.  Go and be with Star.  I’ll keep working on memorizing my Rayvn lyrics.” 

“Okay.  I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said. 

"See you tomorrow morning my pretty lady,” he said before hanging up. 

I heard Star breathing heavy a few feet away from me.  I got off the living room couch and carefully went over to her bed.  As usual, she was having another one of her loud napping sessions.  Hopefully nothing else was going wrong. 

The rest of the night I sat on the couch, listening to her and focusing in and out on the TV.  She woke up after an hour or so and was able to hop up next to me like she always did.  I switched back and forth from cooking competitions to celebrity gossip shows before going upstairs and finishing my homework for the night. 

*          *          *

I couldn’t feel any light hitting my face when I woke up the next morning.  Reaching my arm out, I felt for my phone on my nightstand and pressed the main button. 

“What time is it?” I asked. 

“The time is two-forty-five a.m.,” it said. 

I sighed and put it back down.  Nearly three hours before I needed to get up for school.  My earbuds were across the room on my dresser and I didn’t feel like getting out of bed, so I laid on my back and just started thinking about Kurt.  What he looked like, what I should get him for Hanukkah.  Something musical, maybe?  But what?  A new strap for his guitar?  He would probably like that. 

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