Chapter 1

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Regina felt as if someone or something was watching her sleep, since having Henry she had become a very light sleeper. With the Evil Queen being in town, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to open her eyes because it could be anything sitting at the end of her bed. After a couple more minutes of trying to ignore the feeling, she finally gave in and opened her eyes, she was extremely shocked to see who was standing in her bedroom. Clad in just a t-shirt and the smallest pair of shorts, Emma was stood at the bottom of her bed.

"Emma, I don't mean to sound at all rude but what the hell are you doing in my bedroom?"

Emma looked at Regina then down to the floor, she wasn't sure how she was meant to explain this.

"I'm not entirely sure."

With it being the middle of the night and neither woman turning a light on, Regina could just about make out Emma's face and it was filled with embarrassment. This expression was one that Regina was familiar with, more times than she would like to remember she has caught Emma kissing Captain Guy-Liner and each time Emma jumped away from Hook and often had a hint of embarrassment and shame plastered all over her face. Regina could never quite put her finger on the reason why but she knew that it was a good idea not to ask Emma about it.

"Emma, I don't believe that you've turned up in my bedroom in the middle of the night half naked and you have no idea how or why. So, I suggest you start explaining" Regina ordered.

She didn't mean to be so harsh with Emma but over the years their relationship had developed enough that she knew Emma wouldn't take what she said or how she said it to heart. Emma knew Regina wasn't going to let her off the hook and Regina would make her tell her one way or another. Emma started to giggle to herself, out of all the phrases there were to choose from she picked the one with Hook in it.

With Emma still stood at the end of her bed, Regina remembered she wasn't wearing any clothes. A couple of seconds later and a puff of purple smoke illuminated the room and Regina was dressed in a pair of purple silk Pajamas and a light dressing gown.

"Don't tell me that Mayor Mills sleeps naked?" Emma joked.

"I think that's rather an inappropriate question, don't you?"


Emma started to feel very awkward standing at the end of Regina's bed. They had come a long way but Emma knew that they were never going to get to the sleepover part of a friendship and her being there was not a good idea but neither woman had mentioned her leaving.

Regina looked over to check the time and her alarm clock said it was 4:30am. She knew that this was starting to get rather strange but for some reason she liked having Emma in her bedroom.

"My alarm was due to go off in just over an hour so how about we go downstairs and I make us some breakfast. Henry won't be up for another couple of hours so we can discuss whatever it is in peace."

Emma knew it was the most logical thing to do but leaving Regina's bedroom meant telling Regina why she was there.

"You know I will never turn down a famous Regina Mills breakfast."

"You've been here for breakfast almost every day for six months that's a pretty big giveaway that you like my famous breakfasts. I'm sure my breakfast isn't nearly as good as granny's."

"The breakfast is really good and the company's better. Being here I only need to be Emma Swan and Henry's other mother. At Granny's I'm known as Snow and David's daughter, the savior, the sheriff and Hooks girlfriend. It's nice to be able to just be me" Emma admitted.

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