Chapter 3

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Regina decided to use magic to get herself home, she was too tired to walk and too annoyed to drive. A couple of seconds later she arrived back home.

"What is her problem, I wish she would just come out and tell me whatever is bothering her. I thought we were friends" she huffed.

Henry came out of the kitchen and looked up the stairs and by the front door.

"Mum, who are you talking to?" he asked

"Just myself."

"You do know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness?"

"And the second is answering yourself" she replied.

They both started to laugh, Regina placed an arm around her son's shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

"I thought you were getting ready for school?" she asked.

They walked into the kitchen and Henry sat down on his favorite chair and Regina did the same.

"You said you were going to have breakfast at Granny's and that you would be at least an hour but you were only gone ten minutes. It didn't really give me much time to get ready."

Regina didn't want to let Henry know the real reason she didn't stay to have breakfast at Granny's, come to think of it she wasn't entirely sure why she left.

"Here I ordered us both chocolate chip pancakes but I'm not hungry any more so you can have mine as well."

"You're not sick, are you?"

"No darling, I've just lost my appetite. Eat your breakfast then go and get ready for school. If your quick you could probably fit in a game or two on your PlayStation."

"Mum, you sure you're not sick? You never let me play on my PlayStation before school."

"Henry I promise I'm fine, now hurry up before I change my mind."

Henry wolfed down his breakfast, grabbed himself a glass of milk and headed out of the kitchen.

"Mum don't forget it's Emma's night with me so I won't be coming home from school."

Regina never thought when she first met Emma that they would ever get to a point where they could have 50/50 custody of Henry, but a lot of things had changed over the past couple of years. Regina was glad that it was Emma's night because she could really do with having a hot bath and an early night and that would be so much easier with Henry out of the house. She had so many thoughts going through her head and she didn't even know where to begin to work them all out. Regina pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts. She got to Emma's name and hovered her finger over it for what seemed like forever. Did she text her or let Emma make the first move?

Regina knew both women were as stubborn as each other. After a few minutes of trying to decide Regina felt a headache coming on so she placed her head on the cold kitchen table and closed her eyes. She closed her eyes for what she thought was a couple of minutes but when she opened them she was greeted by a very annoyed red head.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting in your office for over an hour."

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't realise we had an appointment."

"We don't."

"Then I don't see the problem or the reason you're in my kitchen yelling at me."

"Well I expected the Mayor to be in her office when she's supposed to be and I needed your help."

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