Chapter 8

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Regina sat in her study, reading budget reports, drinking whisky and thinking about Emma. She knew it was a bit early in the day to be drinking but today had been tough for her and she knew the only thing that would make her feel better would be a drink or two. This morning when she had planned all that for Emma, she had done it with the hope that Emma had confessed her love for her and they could spend the afternoon discussing what it all meant. But like everything else in her life it never went to plan. She knew the only way to find out the truth was to ask Emma but she was worried how the blonde would react. It was almost time for Henry to finish school so she decided she would order a pizza ready for when he got home. As soon as he walked through the door and smelt Pizza, he would know something big was happening. They hardly ever ordered pizza and if they did it was only when they needed to break bad news to him. Regina didn't think that Emma being bisexual was a bad thing, it was the exact opposite and the only reason she was really ordering a pizza was because she was too exhausted to cook. She wasn't sure how Henry would take the news that Emma was bisexual but thinking about it he was a very open minded boy, well he had to be living in a town with fairy tale characters. With Emma coming over Regina thought it would be polite to find out if the blonde would like some pizza. She grabbed her phone and scrolled down to Emma's name.

Regina: I'm ordering a pizza for Henry and I was wondering would you like me to order you one as well?

Regina placed her phone back on her desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a magic book. She was sick of reading budget reports and knew she needed to find a way to destroy the Evil Queen and she hoped this book had the answers. She flicked through page after page and she wasn't getting the answers she wanted in fact every page she read gave her the exact same information and it was as she feared. The only way to get rid of the Evil Queen would be to kill them both. Maybe they could all just pack their things and move to Boston or somewhere. Emma had always spoke about how lovely it was. Regina shook her head, she knew she was being stupid. Anywhere she went the Evil Queen would follow. Regina sat there and wondered what her life would have been like if she was just a normal mother, living in a normal town with her son and her wife. It was less than 24 hours since Emma had said she loved Regina. Regina knew it was too soon to be picturing a normal life with Emma and Henry, especially because the blonde wasn't in an appropriate mental state when she confessed her love. Even if everything worked out with her and Emma, Regina knew their life would never be normal. Regina placed the magic book back in the drawer, picked up her phone and headed to the kitchen. She checked her phone and there was no reply off Emma, which Regina found very strange as the blonde's phone is constantly glued to her hand.

Regina: Miss Swan, you must be very busy if you can't find 30 seconds to reply to my message. As you will be here around dinner time, I will order your usual.

Regina placed her phone on the kitchen counter, walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. She knew that if Henry found out she was drinking during the day he would give her the silent treatment, he hated when she drank unless it was for special occasions. She opened the bottle of water, downed it and placed the bottle in the bin. She walked over to the kitchen counter to grab her phone to call the pizza place when she heard the front door open and then slam shut. She checked the time and it was just after 5:00pm Henry wouldn't be home for another ten minutes. She started to walk towards the kitchen door at the same time Henry came running through it.

"Slow down Henry, you nearly knocked me to the floor."

"'s..." Henry cried.

"Woah, Henry slow down and tell me what's going on."


Regina grabbed hold of Henry's hand and led him to the kitchen chair. She sat in front of her son and ran her thumb over his cheek.

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