Chapter 9

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A few seconds went by, Regina opened her eyes and looked around. Emma was still kneeling beside her and Henry was stood over his mothers.

"Ma look it worked."

Regina wasn't sure what was going on but she knew that she had been given another chance and she wasn't going to waste a second of it.


Emma let go of Regina's hand then helped her sit up. Regina grabbed hold of Emma's hand and ran her thumb over her fingers.

"Regina is everything okay?"

"Emma she's just come back from the dead so no everything is not going to be okay" Ruby stated.

Regina took a deep breath, counted to ten and decided it was now or never.

"Emma Swan, I love you too."

Emma was in complete shock, she had been having little flashbacks of last night and one of them was of her saying she loved Regina. She wasn't sure whether it was real or a dream but Regina had just confirmed that it really happened.

"I'm glad you're not dead sis but I'm not staying here to watch this. It's disgusting."

A puff of Green smoke appeared and Zelena left.

Mary Margaret, David, Henry and Ruby all stood and waited for Emma's reply. Emma could feel everyone's eyes burning into the back of her head and was starting to feel very uncomfortable. Regina wasn't sure why Emma hadn't said anything to her and she was worried that she had made a huge mistake. She should never have confessed her love to Emma especially not surrounded by their family and friends.

"I knew you didn't mean it" Regina muttered.

Regina let go of Emma's hand, stood up and started to walk away.

"Emma your girl is getting away, go after her."

Emma caught up to Regina, grabbed her hand and flicked her wrist. Regina looked around and Emma had brought them to her office.

"Emma, what are we doing here?"

"Oh, we were meant to go to your house. Stupid magic, can't I get anything right" she huffed.

"You still haven't explained what we're doing here."

Emma grabbed hold of Regina's hand again, this time she laced their fingers together and led Regina over to her couch. Emma let go of Regina's hand, Regina sat down and Emma paced back and forth for a couple of minutes. Neither woman knew what to say to break the silence but Regina was getting extremely annoyed.

Right this is it Swan, you've got to tell her everything.

Emma took a deep breath, sat next to Regina and gave her a gentle smile.

"Okay, so here's the thing. Regina Mills I'm in love with you. I love you, in a really, really big – pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of apple pie, hold a radio over my head outside your window kind of love."

Regina eyes started glass over, deep down she had wanted to hear this for a while.

"I hope those are happy tears?" Emma asked.

Regina tugged on Emma's arm and the blonde sat down.

"Yes darling, these are happy tears. But there's one thing I'm extremely confused about."

"What's that?"

"I was dead, I crushed my heart so I don't understand how... what."

Emma cut the brunette off.

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