Chapter 13

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Emma woke up, rubbed her eyes and hoped it was all a dream, but looking down at her hands and feet she knew this was very much a reality. Her mother and boyfriend had kidnapped her. Wait, was Hook still her boyfriend?

"Dammit Swan, focus."

She needed to find a way to get out of here, wherever here was. She looked around the room for any clues as to where she was, but the room was so dark she couldn't really make anything out. Even though Emma's head was still fuzzy, she started to get flashbacks. She remembered Hook letting himself in, refusing to leave and then punching her in the face when she told him she was in love with Regina. She vaguely remembered being carried into the back of a car and then her mind went blank again. Emma couldn't think of any reason why her mother and Hook would want to kidnap her and right now she didn't care. All she cared about was getting back to Regina. She really hoped Regina had figured it out by now and was close to finding her. A few seconds went by and the door swung open, but there was nobody there. She guessed they hadn't locked it properly. Emma knew it was now or never, she might not get another chance. She leaned against the wall, pushed herself away from it and tried to run, she tripped and fell to her knees. She placed her palms on the floor and pushed herself up, but she was too weak and she fell again. She tried once more and this time she made it to her feet. With her feet being bound she couldn't walk as fast as she would like, in fact she couldn't walk at all. She tried to run, but her legs wouldn't move. She tried to call for help, but her voice got caught in her throat. When Emma's feet finally started to move, she got a few steps outside the door when a large fist came down and punched her in the face. Emma lost her balance, fell back to the floor and then was dragged back into the room. Emma's eyes closed and they were filled with darkness for almost ten minutes. She was wakened by Hook on top of her, he started to take off her leg bonds and hadn't realised she was awake. Emma closed her eyes again until the bonds were completely off, that way she could make another run for it.

"Well Love, you're not going to need these for what I have planned for you."

He pulled the bonds off and next Emma's jeans. She tried to stay quiet, but she knew if she didn't say something then he would carry on and she vowed she would never be touched by a man without her permission again.

"Hook, please don't," she pleaded.

"Oh, you're awake, well, this will be even more enjoyable. Don't pretend you don't like it rough, because we both know that would be a lie."

"That was different, I was having sex with a man who I loved and who I thought loved me. rape," she sobbed.

"It's not rape, Swan, you're my girlfriend and pirates don't believe in rape. They believe in taking what they want, when they want."

Emma knew there was no use fighting him, she felt so weak and he was much heavier and the only way to get him off was to use magic and she couldn't do that. Emma tried again, she knew he would likely laugh in her face, but she had to try.

"Hook, please, if you still love me then you wouldn't do this."

"The reason I'm doing this is because I still love you. You need to be shown that no woman, especially not the Evil Queen, can make you feel as good as I can."

Hook finally had Emma's jeans off, pulled his own around his ankles, pulled down his boxers and let his erection free. Emma turned her head and swallowed the bile that had rose in her mouth.

"Don't act coy, Swan, you used to love my cock."

He used his hook and turned her head. He scraped it from the top of her head right down to her chin. Emma could feel the blood trickling down her face. Next, he used his hook to rip away her underwear. Emma laid there bare; the cold floor was helping to soothe her aching body, but she had never felt so degraded in her whole life. Hook knelt in front of her and started to kiss her neck, Emma could feel his erection against her stomach and she couldn't hide the disgust. She felt a hard hand against her face and a knee to the ribs.

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