Chapter 11

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Emma opened her eyes slowly, dragging the lids up and looked around the room. and it was dark, damp and it smelled particularly strong but she couldn't make out what it was. After a minute or two an overwhelming scent of metallic filled the room and Emma knew she was bleeding heavily. There was enough light coming in through the one grimy, cracked window for Emma to make out that her hands and feet were bound with cloth.

"What the fuck is going on."

This was like a dream, well a nightmare, but it was much worse than a nightmare because Emma knew this was real. Here vision was blurred, it felt like everything was spinning around at a dizzying pace and she resisted the urge to be sick. She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot up her neck and into her temple. Emma reached her hands out, trying to feel her way through the dark. Even though her feet were bound she managed to shuffle them across the cold, hard floor. After what seemed like an hour, but was likely only a minute or two, Emma's fingertips touched a wall. She used her heels to push herself against a wall and then shuffled her way up the wall until she was in a sitting position. In a fit of helpless rage, she yanked on the cloth as hard as she could but it just made it tighter. She skimmed her fingertips side to side and up and down on the flat surface, she didn't encounter a doorknob or a crack to indicate where the door was. Slowly she began moving around the room, her feet sliding along the floor while her hands felt the walls for any indication of a door. Her progress along the room was excruciatingly slow and when she was just about to give up when her fingertips felt a crack and then the smooth round shape of the doorknob. Taking a couple of steadying breaths, she placed her hands around the doorknob, she had no idea what was on the other side of the door but she knew she couldn't stay here. She twisted the doorknob, it turned half an inch but didn't twist any further, it was locked.

Emma started to feel herself giving up, there was no way out. Hot tears pressed against the back of her eyes and her throat tightened. A flash of anger rose inside, she was Emma Swan, the saviour, she wasn't going to show weakness. Even though she wanted to fight against it she couldn't and the tears kept on falling. She started to see images of Regina and Henry, her mind flashed forward to a possible future. Her and Regina, living together, having another kid and making a family. The few times she thought she'd been in love before, she couldn't possibly have been, because it had never, ever felt like this. That's when she knew she couldn't give up, she had to get home to her family. She needed to tell Regina that she was the one for her and nothing or nobody was going to stop that. Emma could hear the same voices from earlier but still couldn't make out who they belonged to.

"I'm the fucking sheriff so I suggest you let me go" she shouted.

A bang on the door echoed through the room. Emma knew that whoever took her knew what they were doing because they had placed a cuff on her wrist so she couldn't use her magic. Today wasn't supposed to go like this, she should be at home with Regina talking about their feelings not tied up in some strange room. Emma watched enough crime shows to know the first 24 hours were critical in finding the missing person. She tried to remember any little detail that could help her figure out who took her and where she might be. The only thing she could really remember was putting up a fight and damaging her furniture. She had done that in the hopes it would help Regina figure out what had happened to her. Emma wasn't sure who would have the motive to kidnap her, the Evil Queen was gone and all the other villains in StoryBrooke had been dealt with. She needed to stop thinking like a victim and start thinking like a cop. She knew with a kidnapping the first twenty-four hours were the most vital. Emma hoped to god that Regina had figured out she was missing and didn't think she had just upped and left. Emma didn't know what time it was but looking out the window she could just about make out the moon, it was hiding behind some thick dark clouds. Emma closed her eyes, led against the wall and her entire stomach contents ended up on her lap.

"How could today get any worse" she cried.

For a third-time Emma heard voices outside the door but this time when the voices stopped she heard keys jangling and bolts being pulled back.

The door swung open and Emma couldn't believe who was on the other side of it.

"Look at the state of her. I told you to kidnap her, not to hurt her."

"It's her own fucking fault, she should have just came with me and not put up a fight."

"Mum, Hook. No this can't be happening."

Emma couldn't breathe and thought she was going to be sick again but this time it passed. Her head started to pound and she became very light headed. She knew she had to figure something out, she needed to get away from them before she passed out again but it was too late, her eyes went blurry, her body went limp and she was vaguely aware of crashing to the hard floor again. She didn't feel a thing. 

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