Chapter 6

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Regina sat at the kitchen table, she had spent the last hour staring into her coffee mug. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop playing last night over and over in her head. Did Emma really say she loved her, no Regina must have misheard her or maybe Emma meant it in a friendly way. She knew the only person who would be able to answer her questions would be the blonde herself. She didn't have a clue how to bring up the topic, did she ask her outright, subtly mention it or wait until Emma brought it up herself. She placed her hand around the coffee cup and it was freezing cold. She stood up, walked over to the sink and poured the rest of the coffee down the sink.

"Any coffee going spare?" David asked.

"I was just about to make another pot. How did you sleep?"

"To be honest I didn't, I haven't slept alone for as long as I can remember" he sighed.

Regina made another pot of coffee and poured David a cup. For some reason, she didn't feel like one anymore. She walked over to the table, handed David his cup and sat back down.

"I know it must be hard but you and Snow will sort it all out. You just need to give her some space. This is a lot to take in and some people handle it better than others. Snow's old fashioned and she believes that a woman is destined to be with a man but that's no longer the case."

Regina wasn't sure why she was defending Snow after all the horrible things she said about her, but Regina knew that families often argued it doesn't mean you stop loving each other. She just hoped that Snow came to her senses sooner rather than later.

"I hope so but you know how stubborn she can be."

They sat in silence for just under ten minutes, David read the paper whilst Regina checked her emails. Another 5 minutes went by and David had finished his cup of coffee. He placed the paper on the table, stood up and walked over to the coffee machine.

"Is it okay if I make myself another cup?" he asked.

"Of course, I told you to make yourself at home."

"I will have one as well dad."

Emma walked into the kitchen, sat on the chair across from Regina and grabbed the paper. Regina couldn't even look at her and Emma could sense something was wrong but she couldn't put her finger on what.

"Emma what are you doing here?"

Emma looked at the floor before looking back at Regina. She couldn't tell her dad the truth because he would ask too many questions.

"I stumbled here last night, it's closer to the Rabbit Hole than my place. Regina was kind enough to let me stay here."

"Where did you sleep?" he questioned

"In Regina's bed."

"Where did Regina sleep?"

Regina could sense David was feeling rather uncomfortable at the thought of Regina and his daughter sharing a bed. Regina slammed her hand on the table.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to each other like I wasn't here. I gave Emma my bed and I slept on the chair. I wanted to keep an eye on her, she was rather drunk and I didn't want her to choke on her own sick."

"Oh right, that's very kind of you Regina."

Regina stood up, grabbed Emma's favorite cup and poured her a very strong coffee. She wasn't sure when Emma's cup had appeared in her kitchen but Emma used it every time she came over.


Emma didn't know why Regina was being so blunt with her, did she do something wrong last night. She tried to cast her mind back but the whole night was fuzzy.

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