Chapter 4

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Regina climbed out of bed, grabbed her clothes and got dressed. She was sick of Emma turning up and then leaving without telling her anything. She picked up the baby monitor and could see Robin was still sleeping, she headed across the hall to the guest bedroom. She slowly pushed open the door and peered her head around to check on Zelena and like her daughter she too was fast asleep. Regina made her way down to the kitchen where she was greeted with an unwanted guest.

"Emma's life is falling apart and Snow thinks you're to blame. All I had to do was plant the seed and now I'm going to watch the Charming's destroy each other."

Before Regina could ask what the hell she meant the Evil Queen vanished. For the first time in a long-time Regina knew she hadn't done anything, well not on purpose. She needed to get to the bottom of what was going on but she didn't know where to start. She left Zelena a note to say she had checked on Robin, everything was fine but something had come up and she wouldn't be long.

She remembered her phone was upstairs and instead of walking up there to get it she did the lazy thing and used magic. She had no idea who was the best person to talk to, with Emma being upset and Snow thinking she was to blame she knew it was neither of them. Regina unlocked her phone and picked the only Charming she knew would tell her the truth.

Regina: David, are you free to meet I need to discuss something with you.

Less than two minutes later Regina's phone started to vibrate.

David: Yes, I am free and I could really do with a friend right now. I can meet you at your office in 5 minutes.

Regina: Yes, that is fine.

Regina put her phone in her back pocket and took a slow walk to her office. She never thought that she would ever be friends with David or Snow for that matter, these days she thought as them more like family than anything else. After 5 minutes, she arrived outside and David was already there waiting for her.

"David is everything okay?"

"Not really Regina, let's head inside and we can discuss whatever is bothering you."

David pushed open the door and held it open for Regina.

"Ladies first."

Regina walked through the door and smiled at David.

Regina sat down on the black leather couch at the back of her office.

"Sit down you're making the place look untidy."

David walked over to the couch and sat down next to Regina. Regina wasn't even sure where to begin.

"Emma's bisexual" David mumbled.

Regina wasn't sure she just heard correctly.

"Did you just say Emma was bisexual?"

"Yes. Emma is bisexual, my daughter is bisexual."

Regina was in complete shock, she never expected those words to leave David's mouth. Now she thought of it a woman who owned that many flannel shirts must enjoy the company of other women from time to time.


"Okay, that's all you've got to say?"

"Well her being bisexual doesn't change anything, she is still the same stubborn, kind, beautiful, funny woman she's always been and her sexuality doesn't change that."

Shit did she just all that out loud. She just hoped David didn't pick up on any of that.

"Did you just call my daughter beautiful?"

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