Chapter 7

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Emma spent the best part of an hour packing all of Hooks clothes up. She had known it was over for a while but his actions today showed her he was nothing but a pirate and he didn't really care about her. She chucked the last of his clothes in a black bag, walked over to the bedroom window, opened it and threw the bag outside.

"Good riddance."

She checked the time on her phone, it was just after 1:00pm and Emma's belly started to rumble. She placed the phone in her pocket and jogged downstairs. When she got to the bottom step she started to feel a little bit nausea's, she sat down on the floor, placed her head between her legs and took some deep breathes. After a couple of minutes, she started to feel a bit better. She placed her right hand on the banister and pulled herself up. She thought maybe grabbing something to eat would help soak up all the alcohol and hopefully make her feel better. Emma slipped on her converse, picked up her keys and headed out of the house. With StoryBrooke being such a friendly town and with her being the sheriff she wouldn't normally lock her front door. But with the Evil Queen being in town and her breaking up with Hook not even a few hours ago, she thought it might be a good idea. She placed the keys in her back pocket and took a short stroll to Granny's, it was rather bitter and she wished she had put on a few more layers before she left the house. The whole way to Granny's all she could think about was how weird Regina was being this morning, Emma couldn't figure out why but she knew she needed to ask Regina what was wrong and now would be the perfect opportunity as the brunette was also headed to Granny's. Regina was too busy checking emails on her phone to notice that Emma was jogging towards Granny's. She continued walking with her eyes glued to the phone that was until she reached the door of Granny's. Regina placed her hand on the door handle the same time as Emma. Both women were stood in the doorway neither knowing what to do.

"After you Miss Swan."

"Ladies first" Emma replied.

Regina moved to push the door and so did Emma. Regina counted to three, put her right foot forward and Emma did the same. Regina had a feeling the blonde was doing it on purpose. They did this little dance for a couple more minutes, each time Regina moved so would Emma and the same happened when Emma moved. Neither woman had noticed the whole of Granny's diner watching them.

"For goodness sake, this is getting ridiculous."

Regina stepped back from the door, she took one step too far and before she knew it she was flat on her back with Emma looking over her.

"Oh my god, Regina are you okay?"

Regina sat up, rubbed the back of her head to check for a lump or any sign of blood. Luckily she had neither because she wasn't in the mood to take a trip to A&E.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine Miss Swan."

Emma held out her hand and smiled.

"Here let me help you up."

"It's your fault that this happened, if you just let me walk into Granny's without playing your stupid game I wouldn't have tripped" Regina snapped.

She stood up, let go of Emma's hand and brushed herself off.

"Emma's to blame, like always. It has nothing to do with the fact you weren't paying attention to where you were going and fell. No that would never happen to Mayor Mills, it's always someone else's fault. I was only trying to lighten the mood between us, things have been frosty since this morning and I'm not sure why."

"Cast your mind back to last night Miss Swan I'm sure you will figure it out... eventually."

"Regina, can we drop the Miss Swan routine, we've been through too much to retreat back to how we were when we first met."

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