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-{Your POV}-

I groaned, waking up with a rush of pain in my head.  I decided to open my eyes, but the light on the ceiling hurt.  I flinched back before actually sitting up, but very slowly.  I looked around and noticed Papyrus and Sans were no where to be seen.  Must've went to go run errands or something.

I rubbed my head as the pain got worse.  I had to get up and get medicine, before it got to the point that I could scream.  I walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet, grabbing the medicine for headaches.  I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water, opening it and swallowing the pills.  I did a sigh after my last chug of water, slowly making my way back to the couch.

I heard someone practically skip down the stairs. When I looked over, I could already tell who it was. "GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!" Papyrus said cheerfully.

"Morning." I grumbled, flopping on the couch and sighing as my head throbbed in pain.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT? YOU LOOK GREENER THAN USUAL." Paps pointed out, stepping towards me. He took off his glove in his right hand and set it on my bone-forehead. Gasping, he pulled his hand back. "IT IS ON FIRE! YOU MUST BE SICK!"

"No, Pap, I just have a hangover." I mumbled, rubbing my head.

"NONSENSE! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL TAKE CARE OF YOU!" He called out, scooping me up and rushing me to my room, placing me carefully on the bed. "I SHALL GET MY LAZY BONES BROTHER AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO!"

Paps ran out of the door and rushed off, leaving me to some quiet. I got myself to sit up and lean against the wall, which was next to my bed. My curtains were down, thankfully, so I couldn't see the light from the sun, or the cloud covered sky.

"Heya." Sans said as he entered my room. I groaned a response and closed my eyes. "You look like crap."

"I feel like it, too." I mumbled as I laid back down, pulling my sweater sleeves down.  I forgot to change since yesterday. 

"Maybe you should've thought about that when you started your first glass." Sans said with a small laugh, but I didn't laugh with him.  I didn't speak, or even groan, just laid there, staring at the ceiling. 

"I MADE THE HUMAN SOME NOODLES!  ALPHYS CALLS IS RAMAN OR SOMETHING, BUT IT IS, I THINK, GOOD FOR SICKNESS!" Paps called out as he walked into my room, holding a bowl of noodles.

He set it down on my nightstand as my voice croaked a "Thanks."  Sans looked at me with some feeling I couldn't read, but usually I'm better with reading feelings.  Paps smiled at me before exiting the room, saying something about MTT and how he wanted to hang with them today. 

"Are you alright?  You wouldn't just randomly want to drink out of no where." Sans asked as he sat at the edge of my bed, my door slowly shutting by the force of Sans's power.

I didn't want to tell him, not yet.  I needed to get my head straight and figure out who they are and what is has to deal with me before explaining it to someone who most likely wouldn't understand.  "I'm alright, just felt like I needed something to distract myself." I excused, looking at the ceiling still. 

I heard Sans get off my bed and shuffle next to me.  I felt my bed shift as he sat next to where my stomach is.  I scooted over and made room, letting him lay down.  "Are you sure you have nothing on your mind?  It seems like something is troubling you."

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