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-{Your POV}-
Not Worth Anything
You don't deserve him.

The sound of my phone going off scared me awake. When I looked at the time, it was near 7 A.M. Who would call me at this time? It's Sunday and I don't have work.

I answer my phone, not looking at the contact who's calling. "Hello?" I sounded like I just got up, maybe because I just did.

"(Y/n), it's me." Luke's voice cracked. I could tell he was upset.

"What's wrong?" I murmured, rubbing the sleepiness from one of my eyes.

I heard a small, shaky breath from the other side of the line. "I did something really dumb. Can you come over?"

"Give me 15 minutes." I get myself out of bed as I say that. Then I hung up, changing into a black sweatshirt and jeans, putting on (fav/shoe) before grabbing my phone again, not bothering to brush my hair. I quickly do the essentials before heading downstairs. Papyrus was making ruckus in the kitchen.

"GOOD MORNING!" He called to me, making me smile a bit.

"Pap, I'm gonna head to a friend's house. I'll be back in a bit." I tell him before grabbing my keys and leaving. I go to my car and hop in, instantly heading to Luke's place.

When I got there, I noticed he was standing outside with a large blanket wrapped around him.  I quickly got out.  "Get back inside, you're going to freeze." I call out, heading towards him after locking the car with the keys. 

Luke followed my directions as I got inside, shutting the door behind him.  "What happened?" I asked with a small frown. 

Luke headed to the living room and face-planted onto the couch with a groan.  I'm guessing he did something really dumb.  "I invited Josh over, as you probably figured out." Luke mumbled.  I nod, not wanting to interrupt.  "He-"

My phone went off, scaring the garbage out of both myself and Luke. When I looked, I saw it was Sans, so hesitantly, I answered. "Hello?" I mumble.

"(Y/n), it's me." Gaster's voice was as smooth as silk as he responded, making my heart plummet. Sans couldn't even call me?

"What is it?" I ask politely, not really wanting to talk to him even after I apologized.

I could hear some mumbles and a small sigh. "We need you back at the house." Gaster says softly, but my heart ached, not sure what was going to happen. A knot in my gut told me I shouldn't go, but curiosity always won.

"Give me 20 minutes." I respond before hanging up. I turn to look at Luke and sighed. "What's going on?" I asked Luke.

Luke sat up, finally facing me. "I should've asked if he was gay before I kissed him." Luke says and it explained everything. 

"Is that why you're so upset?  Because of a little mistake like that?" I asked, sitting down next to Luke.  Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Luke bursted into tears and hugged me tightly.  I rubbed his back with a frown. "It's okay, everything will be okay.  Just breathe."

Luke caught his breath after a minute and pulled away.  "Thank you." He mumbles to me, making me smile. 

"I have to go, but text me if you need anything else." I stand up, about to walk away, but paused.  "Also, try to explain to Josh about what happened.  He looked pretty upset last night."

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