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-{Sans' POV}-
You're alive.
What's wrong with her.

(Change in POV.)

"How are you even alive?  I thought you were gone!" I said with a frown, hugging Gaster.  He wore the same lab coat and same outfit, but he had cracks below the left eye and above the right.   He looked broken. 

"My sons." His voice echoed, I missed this voice dearly.  Then when he looked up and saw (Y/n), he was shocked.  "(Y/n)." He mumbles.  I looked over at her and she looked scared, surprised. The visions.

(Y/n) stood there, wide eyed. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes were full of fear, I hated that look. I've seen it too many times at night.

"(Y/N), YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked, letting go of Gaster and walking over to her. She didn't speak, she didn't need to. Her eyes said everything.

Right when Papyrus put his hand on her shoulder, she sprinted off. "(Y/N)!" Gaster called, about to run after her, but I stopped him.

"Don't." I mumbled, my hand on his chest. Gaster nodded. He must've understood because he looked ashamed.

"HOW ARE YOU HERE, DAD?" Papyrus asked with a smile.

Dad...  Thats one thing I never called him, but Papyrus always did.  I instantly remember the handplate I showed (Y/n).

I opened the nightstand drawer and grabbed a small box. I open it and it's a handplate with the letters WDG - 1S

"You're 1-S." (Y/n) was quiet when she said that, gently taking the handplate from me.

"And Papyrus is 2-P." I respond quietly, looking at her. 

"Then who is Doctor?" She asked. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Gaster speak about what happened. 

After he fell into the Core, his soul was dangerously cracked, but somehow he was alive.  Slowly he made his way back to his lab and then escaped from the Underground lab, where he found his way to the surface. 

"All this time and you were alive?" I asked, looking at him with amazement. 

"Yes, Sans." He responded.  Yawning, he walked towards Asgore.  "It is good to see you, old friend." Gaster puts a hand on Asgore's shoulder. 

Asgore smiled and hugged Gaster tightly, which made me smile.  I remembered (Y/n) and I frowned, thinking about running after her.  Maybe I should've done it, but I didn't.  I'm not being the greatest boyfriend. 


I let Gaster take my bed and I knocked on (Y/n)'s door, hoping she'd respond. "It's Sans, can I come in?" I asked gently, putting my hand on the doorknob.  When there wasn't a response, I opened the door.  I saw her sprawled out on her bed, still in the same outfit as before, a frown on her face.

I closed the door quietly and laid down next to her.  I knew she was angry at me, I needed to make it up to her.  Starting tomorrow, I'd make it up to her, even if tomorrow was Halloween.

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