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Jane's POV

I woke early the next morning to get ready for my shift in the kitchen. Harry was snoring slightly and I quietly padded across the floor to go grab my clothes and put my boots back on. He stirred slightly as I opened the door of his room and hopefully went back to sleep as I shut it.

The sun hadn't come up yet in town, but I wanted to get back to my room so I could change into a proper outfit. Harry's clothes that I slept in and my sweaty clothes from yesterday weren't going to cut it for the kitchen. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs of the town hall and was faced directly with Kelsey as I turned the corner.

My mouth parted with surprise and she quickly analyzed who I was, where I was coming from, and whose clothes I was wearing. My face went red and I wanted to apologize for spending the night with him.

But I began to wonder, was Harry her boyfriend, or were they just hooking up? Either way I felt sneaky and disgusting under her gaze, even if nothing happened between us.

"I didn't... We didn't -," I fidgeted underneath her harsh stare.

She was much taller than me and I felt like a child in front of her, but I knew we were both 22 years old and both fresh out of college.

She cleared her throat and I noticed a sudden spike of anxiety coarse through me. What if I crossed the line with Harry? I shouldn't have even come to his room last night. I knew it felt wrong, but everything about last night was friendly.

"It's fine. Harry's allowed to make his own decisions," she looked disappointed as she walked past me and I felt awful with the realization that I might have ruined whatever they had going on between them.

My eyes closed and I ground my teeth together. Nothing was even going on between us... We were just friends, if we were even that.

After my chores in the kitchen, I stepped out into the rain praising God that he was able to bless us with water after I knew Harry had been thinking about cutting the water supply completely.

The last couple weeks the water tanks had begun to dwindle and he banned cooking at home to save water. Of course, no one followed his strict orders because they were all entitled pricks and the water sunk below the comfortable line. I just hoped that the rain would continue for the rest of the day so we could get back to being comfortable.

During these rainy days, everyone was instructed to put all tubs, buckets, bowls, and containers outside and dump them in the open water tanks as they filled. It was an all day task that none of us really minded. The more water that was collected the more comfortable we would be until the next rain day.

As I took a heavy bucket to the water tank behind the kitchen, my name was shouted.

I turned to see Sawyer running up to me. His face was concerned and I dreaded whatever would come out of his mouth next.

"Follow me," he sighed with rain soaking the both of us through our clothes. "It's the water tank behind my house. I need an extra hand to keep the bottom part from leaking."

I dumped the bucket and did what he asked of me. We were jogging to the back of his house, and as I turned the corner, I was tackled to the muddy ground with a hand pushed over my mouth.

"Mmmm!" I panicked.

My eyes widened and I flailed my body around trying to force the man on top of me off. My knee successfully pounded his crotch and he heaved a heavy breath out falling off from my body. I was able to stand up and I began to run away, but my body was tackled to the ground for a second time.

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